Jade's Promise

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"What? After all this damn time? What the hell is wrong with those two. Dammit!"

"Why are you so upset Dave?"

"I gotta give that damn man his money."

"Don't tell me you made a bet on them did you?"

"Me and this whole damn bar. Shit! not only do I owe the whole bar 3 free drinks, I own Tommy 300 bucks.SHiiit! "

"Yall are so shameful...but this whiskey's free right?"

"Hardy har har. That won't happen until next Saturday."

"We'll be here."

"We will?" Zo asked.

"Yea of course, unless you have something to do."


"Yes? What's wrong?"

"Did you make you're decision?"

"Of course I did."


"Lorenzo, come on. Okay I said goodbye. Just because Andre didn't marry Jasmine meant that I was going to then be with Andre. I want you. And only you."

"Good, I was really hoping you'd say that."

"Well I'm glad I came, otherwise you might have been swept away by that Tiffany girl."


"I saw you flirting with her when I came in, don't try to deny it."

"What you saw was me trying to not be rude as she was throwing herself at me relentlessly. Besides I didn't think you were the jealous type Jade."

"I'm not usually, but it's different with you."

"Why is that?"

"Because I love you."

He gives me the sweetest kiss I have ever received; warm and comforting like the fresh baked apple pie at a bakery. 

"Your place or mine?" He states after awhile.

"Yours, since I went there in the first place."

He laughs.

"Dave we'll see you Saturday for those free drinks."

"yea yea yea, that's the last time I make a bet."

When we got back to his place we couldn't keep our hands off of each other. Each kiss was more intense than the last, and suddenly I didn't have on my underwear. 

I shouted  "I love you" over and over as he echoed each time with each thrust. I was in heaven. As we settled there was no anxiety, no nerves, no pain. Just a silent peace.

He laid on my chest motionless as I absentmindedly played with a loc of his hair. I drifted to sleep, but my dreams did wander.

My mind travelled through time back to when Andre, Jasmine and I first met. I was the outsider taking pictures for the school news paper. Then college when they let me into their world. To the time I was assaulted, then raped, to the time I had in the mental institution. To the moment that I met Lorenzo. Each piece separate but just as important. I was finally ready to let go of the past. 

When Zo and I woke up the next morning, I had to ask him before I lost my nerve.

"Morning, I uh...wanna ask you something."

"Sure baby" he kissed me then said "What's up?"

"What do you think about moving in together?"

"Really? You wanna move in?"

"Or we could find a place together?"

"Let me think about it."

For a second, I thought maybe I had ruined it all, but then I thought of all the things Zo has done for me, and made me feel. He kissed me on the forehead then asked

"What do you want for breakfast?"

Right then and there I made a silent promise to myself and to him that I wouldn't let my insecurities get the best of me. He didn't have irritable tone or raise his voice to me, he was always understanding. So when he said he wanted to think about it, I knew he meant it.  I never had to really worry about much with Zo, even in the midst of my own jealousy last night, he managed to sweep it all aside. 

He fixed us breakfast and got ready for work. I got my stuff to head back home as we were both leaving his place he said

"Would you be willing to break your lease and come here?"


"Okay." He kissed me again then said

"I'll come by your place after work today."

When I got back I started thinking about it all. Jasmine and Andre were all I knew and now. I get to find out what it means to truly be myself and to see it with someone else.  The possibilities seem endless, but also a tiny bit scary. Although we had a toxic bond it was a routine I was so used to. Maybe I was a different person around someone new. Even Dave notice how much I had changed. 

1 year later

Zo and I are living together and engaged.  We are currently sitting at Dave's for our engagement party with his entire family and my sister doing a 30-shots-solute Zo's granny even took one. It's also my birthday and I couldn't be happier.

They brought the cake out with all the candles.

"Make a wish baby."

Instead I made a promise. I promise to love this man with all my heart, and I promise to never allow my past get in the way of our bright future ever again. 

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