Shade Resistant Light

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                                                                                       Present Day

Waking up the next morning, I lay still next to Zo thinking "Wow how did I get so lucky." He starts to stir and grips my waist tighter. I can't help but smile. 

"Good morning." He kisses my cheek.

"Good morning." 

I turn over to face him.  He kisses me which startles me because I usually have to run to the bathroom to brush my teeth first. When he releases me, he looks concerned. 

"What's wrong?"

"I...I usually have morning breath so...sorry."

He chuckles and says.

"I got it too, I don't care come here."

He continues to kiss me and my head gets lost in a fog. Who is this man? How will this end? When will this come crashing down in face? Wow did kissing ever feel this fucking good?

He only breaks away from me after his alarm goes off. 

"You work today?" Today being Sunday.

"Yea, got a couple of meetings."

"Okay, I'll just get my things."

"No no, stay. Relax."

"Why would I stay at your place alone?"

"Because I would love to know that you were in my bed waiting for me when I got home. Unless you have things to do, but don't rush to leave."

"Zo you sure?"

Of course I don't really have shit to do on a Sunday, I work only Monday-Friday. However I have never stayed at a man's place alone unless it was Andre's. And even then, he stayed with Jasmine. 

"I'm sure baby." He kisses me on the forehead as he gets up and stretches. Every muscle on him seems to lengthen and contract. From the top of his shoulders to the curve of his ass, everything was heightened as I watched him. How the fuck did I land such an adonis for a boyfriend. Wait.. Is he now my boyfriend...we never discussed full on relationship although we're obviously dating. 

"Say you'll stay for a while?"

"I'll stay."

"Good." He goes to take a shower and I wrap myself up in the covers. Somehow I blink and end up sleeping again. When I wake up, he's gone, but has left a note.

Last night meant the most to me that you'll ever know. I don't know how I got this lucky to have such an amazing girlfriend. Please stay and enjoy my place. -Zo

Ha...I guess I am his girlfriend. Okay that's new. Well I'm hungry, need a shower, and don't have any clothes over here except what I came in... shit. 

I go to the bathroom and use his shower.  Enjoy this Jade. Just enjoy him. This is a good thing Jade appreciate it. My mind only wants to think of the worst. Suddenly a memory hits me as I take the wash cloth over my breasts and stomach. The hickeys. The hickeys that Jasmine left on me felt like they were all over me again. Then the feeling of being smothered as I felt like I couldn't breathe. I see his face. I can't move. Frozen in time. I can't scream. 

Then a loud bang on the door comes, I'm smacked into reality. I realize I am having a panic attack had had been hyperventilating and screaming nonstop apparently.  I wrap myself in his robe I find on the back of the door as I shut off the water. All I hear is

"If you don't stop the fucking noise I'm gonna call the police!" Then I hear another voice.

"Shut the fuck up you're just as loud as her."

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