@matthredaddario: ^^ What he said❤

@harrne: The fact that Harry comments on Kat and Kat's friend post I think it's so sweet.

@niallhoran: Can't wait for this to come out! I'm so excited. When does it come out.

@kat.mcnamara: Tomorrow afternoon. 12pm on Netflix. I can't believe we've all posted but none of us mentioned when haha

Liked by nicolasummer, harryshumjr, domsherwood, harrystyles, matthewdaddario, alishawainwright, janelparrish, shadowhunterstv, kat

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Liked by nicolasummer, harryshumjr, domsherwood, harrystyles, matthewdaddario, alishawainwright, janelparrish, shadowhunterstv, kat.mcnamara, niallhoran, louist91, lukebaines, willtudor1, d.l.castro, isaiahmustafa, kevinmchale, harrne, clase, claryfray, downworlders, shadowworld, wolfs_are_a_pack, and 213,562 others.

@emeraude: Out tomorrow afternoon, 12pm on Netflix, Can't wait for you all to see and watch what happens. Can't wait!❤ Who asks Izzy to be her Parabatai? #shadowhunters

*@emeraude has disabled the comments.*

*a couple of weeks later*

(Messages between Harry and Dominic.)

Hi mate, I want to ask her.

Hi, ask her what? The question. You sure? With you leaving.

Well, I was thinking, I'll only be gone for a couple of weeks/months, it's undecided only thing I dislike about the job it's not exactly planned and it isn't easy to book something because not sure if work gonna need me and I want her to know I'm serious with this. I want her to be my girlfriend man.

I'm just thinking like would it be best to ask her a day before you leave her. But than again I understand your point too... it's hard when to ask especially when our schedules are always full. And also you being a womanizer probably won't help her thoughts.

Dom! Who's side you on here. I haven't kissed or bedded anyone since I started talking to Kat🙄

I know man, I'm just trying to get you ready for what might come up you know... If she asks are you ready for a serious relationship, for a commitment? you know your womanizer ways are going to have to stop.

I should of asked Niall or someone else. I am also aware my womanizer will have to stop. You do know that the press just printed me as a womanizer... doesn't mean I am.

I ain't judging you Harry, whatever happened is in the past. I am just trying to get you ready for what kat might ask.

Yeah, you already said. Do you think I should wait till I'm back and ask? I just want her to know I'm serious and I'm serious about me and her. I know this is awkward for you because she is your ex, but if anyone able to help. It's you.

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