"Oh led the way darling you wearing red" i wink everyone awed I smirked and walked away to find Lou

"Oh god" she hugs me "I knew the lords will chose you you are special" she squeak leading me to the closet

"They look nice" I said she nods

"Now everyone is asking what are you because of those dogs don't lick any one" she said

"I see it disgusting" I said she chuckled

"Take a shower there"she points out I nod

"Stay with me please" I said she grins and nod I walked in turned it on I don't have a problem with Lou seeing me naked "so what are those dogs?" I ask showering

"They are special vampire dogs they protect vampires and you I guess I don't know why but there's basically something about you and the dogs shows it all" she said I giggle

"Oh I see" I said

"And it was nice for you to give that girl a jacket" she said

"Well that was embarrassing for her" I said she giggle

"Yep indeed" she said

"How are the lords?" I asked

"Well they've been never seen with a girl or buy a girl ever by who know them say that really nice and fun but theh act dangerous in front of everyone" she said I laughed

"Yep up there they sat like Statues" I nod turning off the water she laughed

"You are so mean" she said I walked out

"No seriously they just sat up there not taking or moving I barely saw them blinking" I said she laughs and we walked to the closet

"Well harry bought a good one" she said

"Oh he's Lord harry" I said she nods

I ended up putting in black jeans and a black leader jackets with black heels

"No no I don't like make up" I said

"Good" she grins and put me a lip gloss I smile and stand up

"Should I go back?" I ask she nods

"Yep they still many girls waiting to be auctioned no yeah" she said

"Thank you so much" I said and stand up as I saw the dogs bought of them in a distance they tongue out and tail whooping left and right

"Ohhh you better start running they will lick you again " a women chuckle I slowly back away and start screaming and running as they both ran after they laughed after a few minutes of running around with bloody fucking heels I ran on stage as they ran after me people gasps I hide under Harrys chair

"No you and you out" I point at them they whined and walked away I breath heavily "I hate dogs!!" I whine "you move let a girl who was been chased by giant dogs for minutes running in heels sit" I said to harry

"Bu-" I raised my eyebrow he groans and stand up

"Awe you didn't have to" I sarcastically sitting down

"We made a good chose mate" the one with brown said and they fist bump I sigh

"Why are we still here again?" The blonde one asked "we got out girls now let's get outta here"

"Hmm Irish man" I said

"Yeah let's go" Harry said helping me up with a smile I take his hand a stand up

"You look beautiful" he said

"Thanks" I smile and we walked off stage we were about to walk out the door

"Excuse me!!" A women shout we all froze and turned around she smiled sweetly at me "hi I'm Lora a manager of a modeling company" we all said hi's she looks at the lords "I wanted to ask the five of you'll since you'll are like absolutely beautiful and have the perfect body if you'd like to join my modelling"

The five of us turned to look at the lords they scretched they necks nervously we raised our eyebrow

"Oh here's my card you can call me after deciding" she gave us all cards I looked at her confused

"Thanks?" I said but it sounded like a question

"Sure let's go" They said we all walked outside and stood nervously

"Louis did you or did you not call the cars?" Harry asked slowly faking a smile then frowns

"Hey going was Niall's idea i thought he called them" Louis said pointing at Niall

"Well calling the driver's is always Liam's job" Niall pouts oh he's so adorable...I really thought they were heartless but they not they actually nice and funny I already like them let's just hope harry doesn't change when we not with his friends anymore

"Well Zayn called right?" Liam said everyone looks at Zayn he shook his head at least I know they names we all stayed quiet looking around awkwardly

"I guess were gonna wait then" Zayn speaks up

"We were not planning to walk either" Perrie breaths out they chuckle then there was quiet again

"Soooo do you guys maybe fly or change into bats or-" Danielle cut me

"Talia!" She warned

"OK I'm sorry" I said quickly they laughed

"No Talia we do not fly or change into bats" Liam said

"Well that's disappointing" I whisper they all looked at me oops forgot about they hearing edges I put my lips in a thin line and looked around  "this place is creepy" I whisper they looked at me oops "did anyone already made a call?" I asked they looked at each other

"Oh god" Natalie laughs then everything went quiet then her stomach grumbles we laughed

"I swear You need to see a doctor you fucking always hungry" El shook her head

"Just like Niall" Louis claps his hand I clapped with him everyone ended up clapping and laughing then we became quite again a few minutes later I speak up

"You know I just realized something" I said looking around

"What?"Harry asked

"No one still haven't fucking called" I said they all let out 'ohh' we ended up laughing

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