Hi Boyfriend 2

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Jeongin POV

I woke up with Hyunjin's arm wrapped tightly around me,well if this isn't some fanfic I bet he is gay also what happened last night why am I in his bed?

You know what I'm just gonna go make some kimchi fried rice hopefully I can win his love with my cooking :D

After Cooking

And some sesame and perfection, My special Kimchi fried rice is finished wait I should wake Seungmin and Hyunjin up so I went to wake them up I threw a shoe at Seungmin and gave Hyunjin a kiss on the cheek.


"Well you said not to give you a peck on the lips if thats what I remember and also how was your sleep boyfriend?"I asked caressing his cheeks.

"Well it would of been nice if your body wasn't hugging me"Hyunjin answered bitterly removing my hand from his cheeks.

"But you were the one cuddling me in your sleep"I giggled pulling Hyunjin out of bed and into the kitchen.

"wow Jeongin this is good here try some Hyunjin"Seungmin said with food stuffed in his mouth.Hyunjin just rolled his eyes and took a bite,his eyes widen and starts to devour it like there was no tomorrow.

"Ummm hyung you should slow down or your gonna choke"I awkwardly said

"You know Jeongin,Hyunjin likes people who can cook delicious food "Seungmin hinted,elbowing Hyunjin.

"ugh fine I'll give you him a chance if he can cook for me"Hyunjin sighed putting his plate in the sink when Seungmin coughed "I mean for us and do the chores" Seungmin just shrugged and they both went back to their rooms welp I guess I'm their maid now,Hyunjin's maid to be exact.

9 months later and no they did not have a kid cause some people find that lowkey cringey.

Hyunjin has become more acceptable of Jeongin and has gotten  closer to him but still denies his feelings.Seungmin on the other hand has been taking care of PetRacha sure they were a handful but he got rewarded with Jeongin's cooking so he didn't care.

Jeongin POV

I swear to Cinderella why are the windows always so dirty.

"Jeonginnie"Seungmin called out 

"yes Hyung?"I called back turning my attention away from the dirty windows.

"Hyunjin is hosting a party tonight"Seungmin said taking the sponge out of my hand "You go get ready while I clean the windows" .I nodded before going to the bathroom and taking a long hot shower,wow this body gel smells like fruits I wanna lick it no no Jeongin don't lick it get out of the shower and so I got out before I could lick it.I was wondering what to wear when an idea came up,Hyunjin is going to be drunk for sure so what if I seduce him :0 

I was wondering what to wear when an idea came up,Hyunjin is going to be drunk for sure so what if I seduce him :0 

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