"You are very good at describing places. I feel like I was with you, then."

"But you weren't" it just slipped out of my mouth and I regretted that already. But she took it very lightly and asked me, "Why are you still stuck with her?"

This was awkward, I was silent for a moment and said, "I am not stuck with her, If it was someone else I would have never told anything like this."

Suddenly the waiter asked, "What will you take sir?"

I looked at her and said, "Will tea be okay?"

"No, maybe I will have hot lemon"

"Okay, two hot lemons and a cigarette."

I looked at her will ordering cigarettes. She gestured, "have one."

"Sorry, I haven't had one since you saw me yesterday."

"It's not that big deal and your frequency is too low. I won't judge you"

"Haha, thank you"

The waiter handed me a lighter and a cigarette. I took a puff and blew away from her.

We were talking about our office place. Suddenly, I looked outside and started to search for something. I wasn't listening to her. I was just searching for my lost one. I don't know why would I do this when I have the best company in front of me.

I was interrupted by the waiter. He left two cups of hot lemon there.

Smriti asked, "What's going on? Are you fine?"

"I am fine, I was just looking at the surroundings, it has changed a lot."

"Never seen a person having that many memories and knowledge about a place where he had only been once."

"Haha, I just love collecting information and making a clear picture of the place, once I am in."

"But sometimes it's just good to erase some memories. So you can live the moment you are in."

I couldn't speak anything but Smriti would lighten up the conversation, starting new topics, time and again.

After some talks, we got out and walked towards the bus stop. We walked for 5 min and suddenly Smriti remembered, she left her purse there.

I asked if I could go back and get it. She offered to come but I insisted I would be fine and I asked her to wait for me at the bus stop.

I went on to bring the purse.

Suddenly I stopped, I was shocked, I was startled. Everything around me was moving but not my eyes. My eyes were stuck on her. Yes, there she was Prakriti with her daughter. I was confused about what should I do. I never thought I would ever see her, ever again. I knew it was too long-standing like that. So I just tried to appear suddenly in front of her. Her daughter was waiting at a shop for her when she came to buy something near me. I just pretended that I didn't see her. I saw her standstill, I knew she must have seen her but I was moving here and there, randomly. But I couldn't unsee her for too long. I saw her. I had many questions in my mind. I knew she could read my eyes. She was coming close and my heart was pumping at maximum frequency. I couldn't look at her with hate, after all, she was Prakriti how could ai hate her? I have never been able to get off my mind. I went near and said, "Prakriti, hey"

"Hey Hrishab"

"How are you?" She took so long to answer. 

But I was okay because I was looking at her. She wasn't, Prakriti I left. She was chubby. She loved me being chubby but now she was the one and I had got skinner these days. She must be surprised to see me this way. She didn't reply, I again asked her how chubby she had become.

She then added how skinnier I was now.

After some time she asked a question I knew was coming.

She asked," Why are you here in Pokhara?"

"My office sent me and my team for some recreational tour."

"Where are your friends then?"

"They are in the hotel on the lakeside."

"Why did you come this far from the hotel then?" I wasn't sure what to answer but I couldn't say I was here to see her. I took a long pause and lied, "I wanted some alone time with myself so I got here"

I was planning for this. I had her husband's address screenshotted long ago. But I, myself was surprised to meet her. I hadn't had any other choice but to lie.

This time she asked a more straight forward question, "Why this far? Who recommended you?"

I stumbled and replied," I don't know about that but my heart wanted to be here just so"

I realized how cheesy my excuse was. She must have figured out my lie.

She smiled and said, "Your heart knows you better, doesn't it?"

I was embarrassed and was scratching my head. The straight sign I was lying and she was the one who figured this behavior back then.

She was asking something and suddenly her daughter came.

My eyes just melted. I had seen her in photos but seeing her in person. I couldn't stop but love her. She was with her child but I couldn't hate her. I talked with her for a while. She was a smart kid. And Prakriti was proud of that, I saw in her eyes.

I don't know if she remembers or not but I used to teach her when we were in college. I would teach her every subject and she knew it was making me better so, often she would even ask the problem she was confident about just because I would have a look at it.

I was happy at that moment. I never realized I would see her ever again and don't have any regrets.

After some time she said, "I think we should depart."

"Oh sure, it was a pleasure meeting you after so long."

"Yes, it was a great pleasure. I always thought about how you were doing?"

"I don't know how I happen to come here around just to be alone and encounter you."

"You never learned to lie after all"

I scratched my head while telling her," Haha! Why do I have to lie? And yes I used to teach you back then but you never even taught me what you were best at."

She lied to me about a few things back then, which I couldn't figure out. While I was hopeful, we could be together. She didn't even tell me how her family had planned her wedding already.

"Sorry for everything. I had to do that. I hope you are doing great and I never stopped praying for you ever." She again added.

And I replied without even thinking, "You were wrong every time because, after 21 days, nothing gets fine. You can never get hold of some people and I am glad you are happy. Bye. All the best."

She used to consolidate me by saying, there was a theory where we could get out of any habit if we didn't continue doing that for 21 days straight.

When I left her I had no bad feelings. I may have ended our encounter with some harsh words but I couldn't hate her and even after seeing her daughter I wasn't jealous, I could not envy her. I think some love is unconditional and we love them not only for their good but for what they are.

I went on to take the purse and I realized how long has it been. When I was going to the cafe, I saw Smriti was there outside the cafe holding her purse. I had nothing to say.
We encounter many people in life. Many encounters are not needed but some get on with us for a lifetime. While I was creating situations to have this encounter with Prakriti. I never realized how important and beautiful every encounter was, I wasn't even noticing, with Smriti.

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