"Ignore him," Rodolphus stood up, using the wall as support. As he hand touched the grimy wall, a cascade of dirt rippled down, causing Rodolphus to cough. "Anyway, I've escaped her once before. Who's to say I can't do it again."

"You had help for that." Peter reminded him, standing up as well, but not using the wall, in fear of the dirt avalanche.

"Well, I've got experience now. I've got a plan."

"The security's different now, Lestrange." Peter pointed out.

"What are you talking about," a high pitched squeal came across the cell.

"Would you look at the time," Peter said, seamingly getting some of his former friend's dramatic flair, "It's time for me to go to bed!" He dropped his volume, "We'll talk about this later." Peter ignored Dolores's talking, and went to his cot, and promptly fell asleep.


The remaining Marauders, plus their wives, children, and Ginny Weasley, sat in Grimmauld Place. Ginny was giving a rather animated rendition of a Quidditch game from two years prior, the one she and Harry had kissed after. Despite having heard the story before, Harry was listening to his girlfriend, as she jumped and flailed her arms when getting to an intense part.

James was so engrossed in the story, someone could've passed in front of him naked and he'd not notice. Sirius had his head in James's lap, lying on his back, taking up the rest of the couch the two were sharing.

Lily sat on a chair next to James, dully noting her husband was married to Sirius just as he was married to her. She dozed off, jumping when Ginny would let out a loud exclamation, or James would clap at a play she was describing.

Remus, who had the inexplicable knack to tune out as soon as the word Quidditch was said, something that was extremely useful when sharing a dorm with James Potter, didn't listen to the story at all. He kept to his own thoughts, occasionally adjusting his grip on Teddy, who he had in somewhat of a sitting position on his lap. Teddy was almost as engrossed in the story as James was, though that could just be Ginny's enthusiasm about the sport. Teddy would clap whenever James did, and babble agreement at some of Ginny's statements, his hair was flashing between colours.

Tonks sat next to her husband, her attention switching constantly between Ginny and her son.

"So, when the game was over, we went back to the Common Room for our party. And Harry comes sauntering in after his detention-"

"Wait, Ginny, you already finished the game story," said Harry, blushing slightly at the thought of Ginny explaining their kiss to them.

The thing about Ginny, however, was she had little to no embarrassment filter, and would gladly continue the story. Which is exactly what she did.

"But that wasn't the real win of that night."

A smirk spread across Sirius's face, and his hair fell in his eyes, which James moved for him. "Oh, really? What was the real win of that night?"

"I'm getting to that. So, Harry opens the door, and my brother, Ron, you know, Harry's best friend, yells that we had won, and I run over to him to tell him details about the game. I was his substitute, and next thing I know, he kissed me."

Sirius and James let out a wolf-whistle. (Ironic, the only Marauder that didn't was the actual wolf). Tonks was laughing at Harry's face, which was some shade in between Ginny's and Lily's hair. Lily didn't say anything, but had a smile across her face.

"You know, Harry, you may look like Prongs, but you have the moments where your Lily comes and smacks you in the face." Remus said.

James's eyes widened, and he smacked Sirius in the face accidently, who just sent a glare in his direction, not bothering to sit up.

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