Bestfriends or Soulmates~A.R~

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Alejandro and Y/n had always been bestfriend since birth they never left eachothers side they were there for eachother during their first heartbreak the first time they felt alone and had nobody but little did they know they both liked eachother but they were both too afraid of ruining their amazing bond so they kept quiet until...

                    ~Alejandro's POV~
Today was the day I decided to confess my feelings to my bestfriend I've liked her for 2 years but I never said anything because I didn't want to lose her but I need to get this off my chest.Her beautiful smile her gorgeous little dimples her perfect brown eyes she's  beautiful you can call me a simp all you want but it's true  she's beautiful it's like she's my soulmate so I decided to text her

                                ~Y/n POV~
His smile his beautiful eyes his fluffy hair that I've played with many times everything about this boy has me going crazy but I kept quiet.Whenever I'm with him I get so many butterflies it's crazy I haven't felt like this with anybody expect him it's like his my soulmate I was brought back to reality when I heard my phone go off I look and saw Alejandro had texted me so I opened the message

        ~Messages between Alejandro and Y/n~

My monkey🥰❤️:hey y/n

                             Bubba🥺💗:hey monkey 

My monkey🥰❤️ :wanna meet up at the park I need to tell you something

                         Bubba🥰💗:of course be there in five

My monkey🥰❤️:great cant wait bye love you❤️

                             Bubba🥰💗:love you to❤️

                             ~End of texts~

I put on some sweats and one of Alejandro's hoodies and started walking to the park I got there and saw Alejandro sitting down so I went and sat by him

"I'm here so what you wanna talk about"I said

Alejandro was super nervous he didn't want to ruin the friendship but he needed to get this off of his chest but what happened next had him shocked...

"I don't want this to ruin our friendship but I like you y/n I always have it's ok if you don't feel the same way I total-"

                          ~Alejandro's POV~
I had got cut off by a pair of lips kissing mine but they weren't any pair of lips they were y/n lips we pulled away and she giggled god that little giggle

"I like you to"she said

I picked her up and asked her

"Y/n will you be my girlfriend"I said

Y/n had tears rolling down her eyes while she nodded her head yes I grabbed her chin and kissed her she kissed back

  I could finally call the girl of my dreams mine

  I could finally call the boy of my dreams mine

(467 words)

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