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'' Oh believe me I do ... but your baby boy is in big trouble ... he's in jail ''

'' The fuck are you talking about? '' 

'' He got arrested for the drugs buddy '' - Gan said.

Kao puched Gan but he just laughed. 

'' Get the fuck out of my office '' 

'' Good luck Kao ... trust me you'll need it '' - Gan said and left his ofice.

Kao's POV 

Gan is lying right?

Earth can't be in jail.



He can't.

What if he is arrested?

Why didn't I think of this earlier?

Why did I left yesterday?

How could I be so stupid?

We could have taken care of it.

But I got mad.

Because he worked with Gan.

I am so stupid.

Now what? 

I don't care I am going to his house.

* At Earth's house *

When I got to his house, I saw a lot of police cars.

'' Sir, I am sorry you can't go in '' - one of them said to me.

'Why? Where's Earth? ''

'' He's under arrest sir ''

'' WHAT? ''

So that fucker was right.


Suddenly I start to feel really dizzy and lightheaded. Everything around me is moving and I feel like I am going to fall any moment.

'' Sir are you okay? '' - I could hear the police officer ask me.

I fail miserably to hold myself together as I try to walk back to my car.

And I black out.

* 2 hours later *

'Kao? Kao? '' 

Everything is moving around me as I try to open my eyes fully.

'Prem? ... where am I? ''

'' You're at a hospital Kao ''

I look up a little and I see all of my close friends

'' Boun? ... Ohm? ... Fluke? ''

'' So  you didn't forget their names! '' - Prem said jokinly.

'' Are you okay bro? '' - Ohm asked.

'' Yeah ... I think ... '' - I look around still exploring my surroundings.

'' NOW ... '' - Prem clapped his hands - Why I am not informed that you have a boyfriend that's UNDER ARREST? ''

'' Baby ... chill ''   - Boun said tiredly.

'' Boun ... go back to napping '' - Prem replied then looked at Kao again - ''Kao ... explain ...... NOW' '

'' I was with Earth on vacation ... we facetimed remeber? '' - I said.

𝕂𝕒𝕠𝔼𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕙 - '' 𝕎𝕙𝕪 𝕔𝕒𝕟'𝕥 𝕙𝕖 𝕓𝕖 𝕞𝕚𝕟𝕖? ''Where stories live. Discover now