Y/N: I am not a Casanova, don't ever call me that again, I'm not a player or any of that crap I'm me... If I date someone it's not for sex or any of that shit it's because I genuinely like them

Victoria: Ain't what happened when we hooked up but whatever you say lover boy

Nathan: Brah just chill with us a smoke a dooby my man, you're so stressed out you ain't acting like yourself when your sober

Y/N: That's because I don't have time for jokes dammit I need answers, where did Max!

Victoria: He's trying to get some

Nathan: Yeah that's what I'm talking about man

He goes to high five you,  you punch him square in the face as he falls to the ground

Victoria: Y/N WHAT THE FUCK!

You grab his shirt and put your fist up like your ready to hit him again


Nathan: On the bus it went someway right okay okay just chill the hell out!

You drop him from his shirt as you run to your car hop in and speed away

Y/N: Chloe's house it's the only answer I got anymore

You arrive as you jump out of the car and knock on the door and it opens

William: Oh hello Y/N it's great to soon you again, are you here to see Chloe as well

Y/N: (Wait is that Chloe's real dad or... doesn't matter) Uh as well someone else came to see her

William: Yeah her best friend Max

Y/N: Uh okay, where are they at

William: Oh there out back near the beach

You run back there as fast as possible jumping over fences

Lady: Calm down Bueller!

Y/N: You know what they say Life moves pretty fast, If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it!

You jump over and see them

Y/N: Max... (Huff)

Chloe: Y/N... uh it's been, and why do you look like you ran a marathon

You breath in heavily trying to catch your breath

Y/N: One second I...

Max: Y/N you're here

Y/N: I... am

Chloe: It's good to see you

Y/N: Yeah likewise it's been a hella crazy day... (Chloe's doesn't have blue hair uhh... she's in a wheelchair what the actual hell happened)

Chloe: Ew hella, I hate that word no offense 

You look at Max very concerned

Y/N: I was born in California for your information... so Max what did you do...

Chloe: You know Max dude

Y/N: More or less yeah

Chloe: You didn't answer the question what are you doing here

Y/N: Well I came looking for answers you could say... (Sighs) I got in an accident you see

Chloe: Holy shit! Are you okay

Intertwined By Time: Malereader x Max Caulfieldजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें