The Creature (Pyramid Head X Reader)

Start from the beginning


No more screeching, no more heels clacking in the halls, no more anything. All you could hear was your heavy and hoarse breathing. You weren't stupid, you knew if you stepped foot outside the comfort of your locker you would be snapped in half by some other creature. The metallic taste of your own blood was something you always despised. The back of your hand met your mouth as you tried to clear up the overbearing taste. Nothing surrounded you but the cumbersome darkness inside of the locker. Suddenly, a large object that sounded like it was being dragged against the floor. A heavy presence accompanied the sound as you began to panic once more. It doesn't help that you could feel the presence getting stronger and stronger. Slapping a hand over your mouth to prevent any sharp gasps or pitiful crying coming out of it. You felt the whole ground shake as you tried to hold yourself up. The scent of blood was strong and whatever was out there made it stronger. The grip on your mouth got tighter as you see a see locker door getting thrown across the room. You put your head a tad bit closer to the three slits on the locker. There it was, a large creature that seemed to be about eight-foot was ripping each locker out. It's a large weapon behind it as it stood proudly behind him. Was it even a him? It's hostile form ripping and tossing a rapid pattern that was terrifying. You could hear your heartbeat in your ears. The one thing you noticed was its large pyramid-shaped helmet. Rust and blood collecting itself on the creature's helmet.

Three lockers away.

Oh god, this was happening.

Two lockers away.

This was it, the end. The end that every person meets. The end some people dread and fear.

One locker away.

You hoped one person in the outside world would remember you, even it was for a split second.

It met at your locker. Taking a large glare at your locker before tearing it. You shut your eyes as you could hear the metal screeching before hitting the floor.

You were vulnerable.

Nothing to defend yourself, nothing to do anything. He just stood there, like he was deciding what he should do to you. His large body blocking any exits. You took your last breaths, this was your last moments alive. If anyone thought of your last moments, this is what happened. No, you didn't pass away under the covers of your bed peacefully. No, you didn't pass away in a hospital watching your favorite channel on. You were about to get impaled by a large object. Get your neck snapped, or even your whole body. You tried to think of your first memory because this was your last. The happiest moments are what hurt you the most. Knowing that you'll never have one again. Its fingers wrapped themselves around your shaking form before ripping you out of the locker. Your face met with the cold floor as it turned around to meet you. It's hands wrapped around your waist like it with nothing, turning you around and taking a good glare at you. The cringed as you felt his fingers dig into your flesh. You wanted to yelp out in pain but your sore throat stopped you. It slammed you back on the ground as you made another squeak, you tried getting up to run but his force was just too strong. One hand had his fingers coiled around your hair dragging you. The other holding The Great Knife with great pride. Black dots filled your vision, oh god, you couldn't faint yet. Not here, in a creature's possession. Tears trickled down your face as you closed your eyes.



You woke up shaking and looked around. Four walls were bordering themselves to make a room. The ceiling with the same reddish color applied to them. Your stomach raged inside of you for food as groaned. It was so painful you held your stomach in pain. Dehydration was one of your enemies. Tears wouldn't even come out, nothing did, nothing will. Pyramid Head walked to you and turned its head. Out of all the creatures you've seen nothing had looked like him. Never that big or menacing. Your eyes looked at a non-labeled tin can it was holding. The powerful grasp it had on the can. It placed the can next to you as looking at you. His large metal head looking down at you like a small cockroach on the ground. Your arms reached for the can as his figure seemed pleased with you touching the can. You looked at it, the folding of its arms that met his chest. Holding the can, you gently peaked what was inside. You scanned for its knife and not surprisingly you saw it back on its side. You wondered what he wanted you to do, his hand reached down at the can forcefully shoving it down on your face. He knocked you down as the brown slop was getting poured down your mouth. Trying to get air but just getting met with more slop down your throat. Tears collecting themselves at the corners of your eyes as you felt the breath escaping you. Finally, he ripped the can out of your face before tossing it in a foreign part of the room. Your chest went up and down trying your best to getting your breath once again. The slop was oddly moist and unpleasant. Pyramid Head made a pleased grunt as it stomped its way to make other living things meet their end. You turned uncomfortably as you tried to keep it down. The only protein you were getting was that. You remember how you got here. Driving to see friends and hang out for a bit. The excitement you felt as you talked about how close you were getting to them. The cheers from the other side of the phone as they heard about your soon arrival. It's been a few days and your arrival never happened. Even though you felt an inch better, the pain still surged through your body. You stood up, the whole world spinning around you. Your mouth watered as you bent down, the pain in your stomach is horrid. It felt like acid was trickling down your throat, as you prayed for your stomach to stop the feeling. Pulling your head up, you stumbled to the exit and each step felt like sharp knives. You proceeded to stumble across the dank hallways. Looking across from you, the same blue locker doors that have been ripped off were still in their place. You mentally cursed yourself for letting yourself go into this area. You even cursed yourself about stepping foot in Silent Hill. Though, going to Silent Hill was never your intention. You would've never wanted someone to be here, no matter how bad they were.

Was this a punishment?

Was there something you did that made you truly earn this punishment? Did you ever murder someone, or did someone wish this upon you? Your neck snapped from side to side looking for any hostile creatures taking an interest in ending your life. There it was, the big metal doors that first greeted you when you came. Rust collected on them like every other item. Your body felt so fragile as you could bearly open the door. The door opened with a large screech as you panicked thinking that some creature heard it. Stepping outside, the same cold breeze met you, and the white powder substance covered you once again. You took a few steps outside as you looked at the two huge metal doors once again before taking off. You were back where you started, back outside, back in the void of Silent Hill. You couldn't help but think of that...


Your thoughts went straight to what he would do to you if you didn't do what he wanted. His sinewy build and what strength could be build up in there. His enormous knife could've impaled you and the overly unyielding grip on your scalp. His large metal triangular helmet and how it looked at you. Stumbling here and there, what you didn't know that the creature. The creature that you were dreading to see. The creature that installed a large amount of fear in you. Was indeed, right behind you.

The creature.

-2463 words-

I originally wanted this to be so much longer and better. I have Micheal's birthday to do and publish tomorrow.

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