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It has been two days since I saw the FBI agents. Since then school has been closed. The school board is worried that they will put all our lives on the line for having us go to the school every school day. Since then Avery and I have been hanging around the house. Finding things to keep us occupied. 

I have finished Wonder and one other book with the free time that I have had. At the moment, I am rewatching 13 reasons why. I just finished one epesoide when the doorbell rang. I turned off the show when Avery got the door. I turned the TV off before walking up the stairs to the main floor. 

I turned off the lights before I closed the basement door. I heard Larry talking when I got closer. I turned a corner to see the three FBI agents from the school. "Blue Davis." One of the men said. I nodded my head. 

"We would like to ask you some questions." one with the longest hair said. I looked at Larry. Larry nodded his head. "She can't speak so, it will be hard for her to answer your questions." Larry said for me. "Do you have something that you can write on?" one in a trench coat asked. I nodded my head. 

I walked into the living room and they followed me. I grabbed the whiteboard and the marker before sitting down on the couch. They sat down on the other side of the room. Larry and Avery walked out of the room leaving me there. "So, Blue. How do you know Jack, Maura, Sheldey, Matthew, Ethan, and Emma?" the one with long hair asked. 

I took the cap off of the marker and started to write. "They all are in my grade. I'll be right back. I need to grab something." I put the whiteboard on the coffee table. I got up from the couch and walked to the bookshelf behind the couch. I looked over all the yearbooks that I got over the years. I then found one from the year I lost my voice. I took it off the shelf before I sat back down on the couch. 

I opened the yearbook to the sixth grade page. I grabbed the whiteboard before wiping it off. I grabbed the marker and took the cap back off. "Back in Elementry school, sixth grade, something happened to one classroom. This yearbook will show if they were in the same class." I wrote. I put the whiteboard back o the table before I put the cap back on the marker. 

I looked at my old class photo. I looked at the faces of my classmates. That's when I saw the big smile on my face with my old friend AJ next to me. I then saw the six classmates that died. They were in the same class with us. 

I grabbed the whiteboard before handing the one in the trench coat the yearbook. I pointed to the class photo before sitting back down on the couch. I wiped the whiteboard off. "So they were in the same class as you were." The guy in the trench coat said. I nodded my head. He handed the yearbook to the other people. 

"Do you know if these people all have a link to someone that hates these people?" The one with short hair asked. I thought about it. "They all were my bullies and my friend didn't like them, but she's dead and she doesn't hurt anyone. There also is more person that hates me not them. But...he's dead too." I wrote down. 

I flipped the board for them. "Who is the second person?" The man with long hair asked. I wiped the board off before I pulled my phone out. I turned it on before I pulled up an article about that day. I pulled up a picture of the guy that ruined that day. The guy that put me in the hospital for two years. I showed them the picture of the guy. 

"Do you know how he died?" the guy with short hair asked. I took the cap off of the marker. "He died in jail by getting beat up by other imates." I showed them the board. "What happened with your friend?" the one in the trench coat asked. I wiped off the board. "She died from too little blood sugar. She was diabetic and there was nothing the doctors could do." I flipped the board for them to see. 

"Well, it's not the friend." trench coat man said when I wiped the board off. "Guys I'm home." mom said as she walked threw the garage door. I looked behind me to see mom. I waved at her before I looked back at the whiteboard. Larry walked into the room. "Dean." Mom said. I looked up at the men. 

The one with short hair looked at mom like she was someone she once knew. I then looked back at mom. "What's going on?" Mom asked as she walked over to me. She sat down next to me. "They are asking questions about that day. Make them stop." I showed mom the board. She took the marker from me. She putt he cap on before wiping the board down. 

"Blue, why don't you go to your room. These men don't have the power to ask you any questions." Mom said. I grabbed the memory book. I closed it and gave it to mom. I looked at them once more before I walked up to my room. 

*Dean's View*

"What the hell. Brooklyn, is that you." I said. The girl looked at me. "Wait, you said Dean. As in the Dean." The dad said. "First yes, it's me. Second yes, it's that Dean." she said. "Is Blue your's?" I asked. 

"Yes, Dean she's mine and the youngest is my stepdaughter. Larry there is her stepdad." Brooklyn said. "How old is she?" I asked fearing that I already know the answer to it. "I think you already know that answer, Dean." Brooklyn said. 

I looked down at the ground. "Is she....?" I asked. "Yes, she's yours." Brooklyn said. There was a loud thud upstairs making me look up at the ceiling. 

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