Chapter 1

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"Hey girl!!" I say as I walk into Garcia's office. "Here is your coffee and everyone else's is on their desks."

"Why thank you my little duckling and are you excited?" She asked

"Hell yeah I am. It's been a few weeks since I've seen my mom in person. I can't believe the work load they have gotten. One case after another. When we Skyped it looked like she wasn't getting much sleep."

"Yeah they didn't get much sleep. I could tell by Derek's word play haha."

"His word play did suck the past couple days. They were really funny though," I say as someone knocks on the door. We both turn and it's Derek standing there coffee in one hand and the other coming out of his pocket. I gave him a hug then ran out to find my mother. As I turn the corner my mom enters the room.

"Mommy!!" I scream when I see her. I run to her and we hug for awhile. We are both are crying of joy to finally see each other in person after awhile of not being too. Once we pull away I wipe her tears as she wipes mine and we laugh.

"I missed you mom. It's been a hard few weeks without you. Especially when dad was transported to Iraq right after you left for LA," I tell her.

"Yeah I know. He told me when he got the call. I'm glad you had some where to stay while both of us were gone. Did you tell Garcia thank you?" She asked

"Yes mom like a hundred times. I also got you guys coffee. Sadly we have another case but Hotch promised you guys get to spend a day at home and get some sleep. I made him promise since you guys need it and I need you. I haven't gotten much sleep either since you guys left, just ask Penelope."

"Well then I will take mine to go and we can head home now."

"Oh um now? I uh have some work to do today but I can drop you off since my lunch break is coming up. Let me just tell the boss and we can spend lunch together," I say then turn to go tell Hotch where I will be if he needed me.

When I get back we head to her car but this time I drive. On our way home we stop and grab lunch and catch up on what has happened the past few weeks and all the cases solved. After about 45 mins of us just sitting there talking we jump into the car and head home.

"Here we are. Got the house key?" I ask when we got home

"Yeah. Thanks for the ride sweetheart," my mom replies then kisses the top of my head before she gets out and shuts the door. "I will see you when you get home. Be safe please."

"I will mom I promise. See ya wouldn't want to be ya," I say right before I drive off.

Criminal Minds: Alexis Blake ReturnsWhere stories live. Discover now