He towed me back to the bent and we both Sat down,with his other hand he gently pulled my head by the chin and rested it on his shoulder and sighed as I began to feel some relieve on my previously pounding head and for a while we stayed like this,me enjoying the relieve I was experience but oblivious of what was brewing in his head.

I pulled away and gave some distance between us when I was sure I was fine enough to support myself. I began cleaning my face with the back of my hand to wipe away the now drying tears away from my face. I didn't want him to see them though there was every possibility that he had seen them.

"Hey what's wrong?" Louis demanded and I stared at blankly for a while and then looked away.

"I must be a fool right?..., he began with a chuckle as he scratch the back of his head.

" I mean you don't have your means of communication here and there's no way you can speak to me right? Sorry" he added in a surprising calm tone different from the one he uses with Miles and I looked toward him. His orbs met mine and he gave him a small smile,as his cheeks turn a light shade of red while he knocked himself several times probably chiding himself for being embarrassed.

I turned away my face once again as my lips began to stretch.

"You're smiling" he stated and it dawn on me that truly I have been smiling at his expense. I tightened my lips trying to hold in my smile but failed because I was someone who couldn't hide her emotions.

"It okay,it's good since you have a nice smile and I envy your one-sided dimple I wish I had one" he complemented with a smile making my heart ache. My heart constrict and my eyes felt teary and full. It wasn't like I didn't like the complement or felt insulted in any way. It was just that he was being too nice to me and caring that it makes my guts hurt.

"That fool of a husband you have shouldn't have made you cry"  he said, his previously calm voice gone and now replaced with one which had an evidence of anger,like the one he uses with Miles.

I shook me head disapprovingly not wanting to be the reason behind the another beef between the brothers because I wasn't ready to bear the brunt and it it's embarrassing that someone should find out how sour my relationship with Miles is. Though Louis is a good guy and I like the way the way he always stood up to Miles I wish I could do same but I don't want people seeing  Miles as a bad person. It wasn't his fault he was that way I couldn't expect any better from a person you went on a date once and end up being married to without your will.

" don't try to cover up for him,I know him quite more than you do and believe me when I say he isn't worth it " Louis said in a firm tone his temple creased to show he was a little irritated and wandered if he was also angry with me.

I pouted and stared into space looking at everywhere but nowhere in particular.

He remained silent and I took that opportunity to observe my surrounding since I ended up here in distressed and didn't get the chance to look around.

It wasn't a very large garden, it had a few trees ranging from a saloon mango tree which was just pollinating , an orange tree,guava to grapes who where hanging in their in the beauty of their stems all green. At one end was a slid which I was tempted to go sit on,a slid and a carousel. Roses and shrubs surrounded the garden like the other part of the house. On the farthest end were plant similar to mint. I stood up and walk to the patch to take a closer look (feeling Louis eyes go with every step I take) and indeed they were.

I moved to the wooden swing and sat on one of the three holding tight to the silver chain. It has a coffee brown metallic trapeze rings and light brown milk wooden seat.

I Dared To Call Him Husband (The Man I Married)Where stories live. Discover now