Plastic Beach Attack

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(This chapter contains blood and war, if you are triggered by this then proceed with caution. ♥️)

Murdoc's heart was
beating faster than it was originally. He mumbled "Shit, shit shit." and pushed 2D off of him, followed by a yelp and a thud as the singer fell to the ground. Murdoc was stumbling and putting his shirt back on, panicking. 2D pulled his shirt back on also, more slowly and confused. He followed Murdoc, picking up his pace to keep up with the bassist. He ran towards the huge front door, and found Murdoc was fumbling with the buttons trying to get it to open quicker. 2D positioned himself next to the panicking man, and slid his fingers into his hand. Murdoc aggressively pulled his hand away.
"Not now, 2D!"
2D looked at the ground in embarrassment, and fumbled with his fingers. When the door finally opened, they both looked in horror at the sight they beholded.

The sky was barely visible, as it was swarmed with attack helicopters. It was a horrible sight, they all had one objective; kill. But why? Why this beach? Murdoc frantically closed the door and ran off, 2D on his heels. Murdoc made it to a door and fumbled with the locks.

Eventually he burst open the door, and yelled at the robot girl that had a questioning look on her metallic face.
"CYBORG NOODLE! CODE RED! CODE RED!" he frantically cried, his voice becoming higher with panic. In an instant Cyborg's expression changed, and her eyes glowed crimson.
"Code Red mode activated." she said in a monotone voice. She got up, pulled out a shotgun and marched to the front door, where she opened it with a quick push of a button. As the door slowly slid open, they all stood there in shock. It wasn't just helicopters waiting anymore, they were shooting blindly at the water.. But why?

Murdoc dragged his fingers through his hair, and he had complete panic in his eyes. 2D was worried for him, but he didn't want to do anything and be pushed away like last time. Cyborg spotted someone, and said,
"Big wave incoming" she pointed to a wave that was growing at an alarmingly quick pace. A giant head emerged from the water, and 2D and Murdoc yelled in unison.
They both stared in disbelief at his size.
"Why on earf is he so big?!" 2D wondered aloud.
Murdoc just shook his head.
The collosol drummer opened his mouth, and alas;
"NOODLE?!?" they screamed together again. She had a feline mask on her head, which she brought down over her face. She carried a shotgun, almost the same as Cyborg's. She lifted it and proceeded to blow the bullets at every nearby helicopter she saw. 2D and Murdoc sprinted to the top of the building, and Murdoc waved a finger towards the helicopters. Cyborg lifted her gun, and shot as many as she could. What they didn't notice was there was more out of their vision.

There was a booming noise behind them, and Murdoc yelled in pain. He fell to the ground, and put a hand over his shin. He pulled it away and looked at his hand.


The crimson liquid oozed out of the hole in the bassist's shin, and he looked over it in horror. 2D couldn't hold back any longer, and he rushed to Murdoc's side and pressed his hand over the wound to try and stop it bleeding.
"OH MY GOD, MUHDOC!" he cried.
"I-I'm fine, faceache. Agh, just get me a bandage will ya.." his words drifted off.
"Of course Mudz. I'll be roight back, okay? Stay roight here!" he pulled his bloody hands away from Murdoc's shins, and hurried back down the ladder. He came back 2 minutes later with a bandage roll.
"Keep shtill." he tried to sound comforting, but it was hard with all the screaming and gunshots going off. Murdoc watched 2D's face as he bandaged his shin up clumsily, admiring the boy's face.
"If I die here..-"
Murdoc chuckled.
"That's da spirit."
The bassist stood up shakily, putting most of his weight on his uninjured leg. He brought out his telescope, and peered through it.

He saw Noodle and Russel still fighting. They were winning. Only about 100 more copters to go. Cyborg was battle crying, she seemed to be really getting into it. It surely couldn't be long before everything was over. Everytime Noodle or Cyborg took down a copter, Russel would grab it and throw it far into the ocean. It had been about an hour, and all the helicopters had been taken down except one, the one that shot Murdoc. It had flown away, only just slipping through Russel's massive fingers. The trio at the top of the building descended, and they ran over to the guitarist and drummer.
Murdoc smiled, and said
"Welcome to Plastic Beach."

Helloooo! I'm so sorry about how long this took to publish -w-" my phone broke and I had to get a new one :,) I hope you like this chapter, I didn't really have the motivation for it :< anyways I hope you enjoyed and the next chapter will be out a lot quicker! ❤️🎸

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