Chapter 15 The proposal

Start from the beginning

The two hour drive seems to go by at a flash. I have been so caught up in my thoughts I am having difficulty remembering any of the trip. I pull up at the beach house and I know why this is Bella's favorite place. It isn't flashy or over the top it has a very cozy cottage feel. Inside it is quite large with six bedrooms all with personal bathrooms. It is surrounded by a beautiful rose garden which overlooks a secluded beach. We spent hours on that beach during our summers here. Our mothers dragged us kicking and screaming every night because we couldn't bear to leave it willingly. I walk up to the house armed with roses and wine. I have left my bag in the car I don't want her to feel pressured by thinking that I am assuming that I can stay. Rhys opens the door.

"Hey man you got here quicker than we thought. Amber and I were just thinking of getting some Chinese food for all of us when I heard your car."

I give him a quick bro hug trying not to drop the wine

"Hey that's not a bad idea. Why don't we head in and see if Bella is ok with being with me for a bit? That will give us an hour to talk and then you can bring the food back what you say?"

Rhys pats me on the back "Sounds like a plan man."

We head into the open plan kitchen/ lounge/ dining area and I see Bella sitting with a blanket over her legs smiling and talking to Amber. I take in a deep breath; god I missed this woman, more than words could explain. She notices Rhys and I in the door way and smiles.

"Hi" she blushes going all shy.

"Hey beautiful, I have missed you" my voice cracking slightly; yeah that was smooth. "I brought you flowers and wine."

Bella moves the blanket aside and stands up walks to me.

"Oh Jasper they are beautiful. Thank you." She kisses me on the cheek.

She takes the flowers into the kitchen area, selects a vase and puts them in water. I wander over to Bella and place the wine on the counter. I can't stop watching her as she fusses with the roses.

Rhys clears his throat "So Bella if it is ok with you- Amber and I will go get some Chinese for tea. That will give you and Jasper a chance to speak alone for a bit, if you're cool with that?"

Bella looks up and stops fussing with the roses.

"Yeah sure that's ok with me."

Amber walks over and whispers in Bella's ear. I can hear but I pretend that I can't. Seriously Amber can't whisper for shit.

"If you need us to come back sooner just call or if you need us to stay out longer just text. Ok? You two have a lot to sort out. You good?"

Bella nods her head and Rhys and Amber leave.

Taking a deep breath to calm my nerves I look at Bella she looks so unsure what to do or say. She has leaned back against the kitchen counter and is hugging herself. She looks so vulnerable right now. I really just want to pull her into a hug and make it all better but I don't want to rush her into something she isn't ready for. I step in front of her and rub my thumb across her cheek. She leans into my hand and closes her eyes. Encouraged I step closer to her so our bodies are nearly touching. I can smell her perfume and almost touch her hair.

"Bella- god I have missed you so much. This week, it has early killed me not having you around baby."

She looks up and her eyes are filling with tears "I missed you too Jasper. It hurt so much being away from you and thinking you had cheated on me. It broke my heart" she sobs.

I can't resist my need to touch her a moment longer; I pull her into my arms. Wrapping her in love it feels so right having her back in my arms where she belongs. I can't imagine letting go of her anytime soon.

"I'm sorry I was so quick to think the worst of you Jasper. I should have known better. The truth is I was shattered after my father hit me. If he could treat me that way why wouldn't you? I just believed the worst and run. I should have trusted you."

She snuggles into my chest and I rub circles on her back.

"I'm sorry to Bella. This is such a mess because I couldn't man and up tell you exactly how I feel. I was so scared of what I was feeling I was keeping you at arm's length. I've been doing that for years because I am a fool."

Bella looks up at me in shock

"Jasper what do you mean?"

I take her hand and pull her to the couch and sit down in front of the open fire.

"Bella I have been in love with you since I was seventeen years old. I was so scared by how strongly I felt for you that I did everything I could to push you away from me. I stooped as low as sleeping with so many different women while trying my absolute best to forget about you. I never could Bella its always been you. Nobody could measure up to my ideal woman – you. You are my other half. My soul mate. The love of my life and I can't keep pushing you away anymore because my life without you is just not worth living.

I have poured my heart and soul out to this woman. I get down on one knee and pull out a ring box. Bella if I had kissed you that night when the big storm happened the way I wanted to things would have been so different. Do you remember the night the power went out? We had to camp in lounge room and our parents couldn't make it back to us. Do you remember? I re-live this moment so many times. If only I hadn't chickened out. If only I had kissed you we would be in a very different situation now. I had my chance and I blew it. I don't want to make that mistake again. "Bella will you marry me and make me the happiest man ever?"

My eyes never leaving Bella's through my whole speech. I watch the tears rolling down her face. I am so scared right now. I have no clue what she is going to say. My heart is beating so hard it is threatening to burst out of my chest. Bella shocks me pulling me into her and kissing me. This kiss feels different from all the other kisses we have shared. It's so intense it's like she is trying to communicate all the love we have for each in one kiss. I pull back needing to breathe.

"Bella, please tell me that means Yes baby?"

"Of course it's a yes. Jasper it's always been you. I have been in love with since I was fourteen and it will always be you. I love you Jasper- yes, yes, yes - I will marry you!"

I put the ring on her finger and jump up grabbing her and kissing her again. Kissing Bella will never get old every time we kiss it feels like the first time again. I put her down on her feet and kiss her forehead.

"Should we call Rhys and Amber and tell them to come back with food and champagne or should we keep this just us for tonight?"

She smiles at me "We better bring them back it won't fair to send them home tonight. We can show each how much we love each other later." As she slips me a cheeky wink.

God this woman is going to be death of me but seriously I will die one happy fucker that's for sure.

Book one the  Bella Rosen series The billionaire playboyWhere stories live. Discover now