Chapter 15 The proposal

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Jaspers point of view

"God what is taking so long? I am pacing my office while I wait to hear from Rhys and Amber. I am not alone. My Parents, Uncle Brian and Auntie Cindy are seated around my desk watching me with amused expressions on their face. They seem to be enjoying my discomfort way too much.

"Jasper, son, calm down. Everything will work out. Bella is so in love with you she will forgive you. Now can you sit down before you wear a hole in the carpet?"

I glare at him but sit down. I am beyond nervous. I have a plan to propose to Bella. The plan isn't any good if I don't have a chance to talk to her. I still don't know if she is willing to speak to me again. I jump instantly into action when my phone rings. I see that it is Rhys calling. I take a deep breath and answer the phone.

"Hey man please tell me you have good news for me."

Rhys chuckles "Man you are so whipped."

I groan "Rhys this is not the time to tease is Bella ok and is she willing to talk to me?"

He sighs "Ok, fair point, sorry man. I didn't mean to be cruel I was just trying to get you to lighten up. You need to relax. The good news is Bella wants to speak to you but she is refusing to come home. If you want to talk to her you need to come to the beach house. She's still not sure she wants to come home at all. It's not because of you Bella is scared of her Father. She is still very hurt because of the way he has treated Travis and her."

I nod silently and then realise my mistake. I'm on the phone! He can't see me "yeah that's understandable I'll drive down to her now if that's ok with her?"

"Hang on I'll check with her."

He pulls the phone away from his ear and I can hear Bella's voice in the background. I release a breath to try and relax some of tension in my body. Rhys comes back on the line.

"Yeah man she's good with that. Amber and I will wait here with her till you get here. We have sent Travis home because Bella isn't very happy with her brother at the moment."

I am beyond happy right now there is a chance that I can fix this.

"Thanks Rhys I'll see you guys in a couple of hours."

I hang up the phone and turn to others in the room.

"Well she's willing to speak to me but I have to go to the beach house. She's still a bit freaked out about you hitting her Uncle Brian so I'll head there tonight and put our plan into action."

Uncle Brain looks really heartbroken "Good luck Jasper and please tell Bella how much I love her and regret this ever happened. Please bring my daughter home so I can start making it up to her. All I want is her to be happy."

I nod my head, rising from my seat and pat him on shoulder.

"Don't worry I will do everything I can to make this better. I'll call you'll when I know what's going on"

Having said my goodbyes I head down to my fully packed and fuelled car. I was prepared for this happening and I didn't want to have any delays once I got the green light. I stop off at the florist to pick up a brunch of Bella's favorite flowers- long stemmed red roses a dozen of them and a bottle of the wine that she liked on our first date night. In two hours I will back at the beach the place where I first fell in love with Bella. So many summers ago I was seventeen I had it real bad for her. If I realised then how much this girl would have changed my life I would have done something about it sooner. I just need to show her that I'm not going anywhere and I am no longer scared to risk my heart. My life is so much better with her in it.

Book one the  Bella Rosen series The billionaire playboyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن