Chapter 10 Travis back story

Start from the beginning

That was until Kosta Barlos walked into my life and claimed my heart from the first moment I set eyes on him. My heart literally skipped a beat and I am convinced should anything ever happen to him my heart would stop beating. I knew right from the beginning that this would be serious and we would need to be creative in finding a way to share our time together without my father interfering.

. Kosta Barlos now twenty four and practices law. He is good at whatever he puts his mind to. Yes I am extremely attracted to his intelligence, his personality and if I am to be honest it doesn't hurt that he is so good looking he puts Greek gods to shame. Jet black hair always immaculate slicked back with gel, eyes the same crystal blue of the Ionian sea, chiseled jaw, olive complexion, smooth skin and a naturally athletic build which he doesn't have to work at but he chooses to. Every inch of his body is a chiseled masterpiece.

Truly beautiful inside and out there is not a nasty bone in his body. I had no experience of sharing space with someone so loving, caring and devoid of ego. His patience has proven to me time and time again. If the roles were reversed I am not certain that I could have put up with as much as he has in this relationship. Kosta comes from a loving supportive family who are open about and accepting of his sexuality. They have accepted me as a member of their family and I have never felt so loved and included. His home life is the total opposite of mine and even though it is something which is difficult for him to comprehend he has been totally supportive of my lack of readiness to come out to my family. To stick to this decision has been hard for me as well. To be so much in love and not be able to share your joy with your family is heartbreaking. It also means there are many times when Kosta and I can't be together because of the need to be secretive,

So here on this island I am free to be me. I can paint without criticism that I am wasting my time and energy. My work is being sold on commission at a local art boutique in the city and I have been commissioned for some significant pieces for some of the expats who occupy the impressive ocean side mansions. Unfortunately I have had to use a pseudonym so I can keep it on the quiet and not risk my family getting wind of it.

Gentle kisses feather the nape of my neck and tingles race through my body. No one can make me feel this way. I don't have to turn to see who it is his touch is all I need. I turn to face the man that I want to spend the rest of my life with and hopefully one day start a family with.

"Early minute? What a lovely surprise"

I plant a welcome home kiss on his cheek wanting to hug him but I needed to clean some paint off first. I start cleaning the brushes that I have been working with as I have finished for the day. Kosta is the only interruption that I happily will stop painting for. The sense that there is something more to this coming home early today and rather than excited anticipation I have the beginnings of apprehension curling in my gut.

He lowers himself gracefully onto the cane peacock chair, his favourite chair on the balcony. I don't waste the chance to study his face trying to find the clues which will answer the question forming inside of me. His eyes have shadows beneath them and his olive skin looks quite pale. Instantly I feel concern – is he getting sick? Has he been working too hard? There are other clues telling me that all is not well with him. His usually perfectly groomed hair tousled not in the same sexy way that it is after we make love but in the way it does when he has been working late on a case, worrying while he rakes his hands through his hair. Is he stressed? Is something wrong at work? Is there a problem with his family? All questions I could ask directly and he would answer but something is holding me back and I am painfully aware that the ball of apprehension in the pit of my stomach is definitely growing. I decide to take the safe option. Not risking finding out my worst fears are true any earlier than I have to. Yes, I am the master of avoidance, obvious isn't it, that's how I ended up her in the first place.

Book one the  Bella Rosen series The billionaire playboyWhere stories live. Discover now