Chapter Two

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"Is this the world we created?
What did we do it for
Is this the world we invaded
Against the law"
Is this the world we created? - Queen

Every step Madison took, more nervous she got. All she was hearing were loud talks and big laughs. They all seemed to be one big family, but what if she won't fit in? What if they won't like her? Her thoughts became even worse after everyone went silent when they saw her.

"They all don't like me for sure" she thought.

"Alright, folks, that's Madison. She's working in our Unit from now on. Treat her with all the respect she deserves." Alvin said introducing her to others. "Madison, that's Ruzek, Upton, Halstead, Atwater, Burgess and Dawson. A coffee machine is over there and that's your desk" said as he pointed out a little desk near the wall.

After shaking hands with everyone, Madison went to the break room with Alvin. One question grew up in her had, but she knew it wasn't the right time to ask about it. They both poured coffee into the cups and started talking again. She had to say, that was the best coffee she has ever drunk. So as they both cleared their cups, they walked to their desk. Madison started to organize her desk, but she didn't have much time, cause suddenly Sergeant came and announce the new case.

"Hope you all enjoyed your break, but we have a case. Before we get in there, I want to welcome Madison again and make new partnerships here. Halstead, you stay with Upton, Atwater, you're with Ruzek, Antonio, you're with Burgess, and Al, you get Madison. Let's go!" Hank Voight said making his way to the exit.

They all got in the scene in a short amount of time. But as they walked into the building, they definitely started regretting it. What they saw was brutal and unforgettable. The whole family stabbed to death. What kind of bastard do that?

"Alright everyone, talk to the neighbors, look for the streets cameras, find witnesses. Antonio and Kim, go back to the district and do research about this family. I want to know everything about them. And remember every single detail matters" Voight said.

After a couple of hours, everyone met again at the district. They all shared the information from the neighbors and it led them to the potential suspect. At first, Sergeant sent Madison and Alvin to observe the man. They were sitting in the car for hours and nothing was happening. Not even a single leaf from the tree moved. But then, Ruzek called saying that they got the suspect and they all have to meet at the district. They both breathed a sigh of relief and started driving.

"Why didn't you tell them I'm your daughter?"


The next chapter is all yours! What do you think about this one? Do you have any idea why Alvin didn't introduce Madison as his daughter? 🤔
Do you have any requests about the investigations I should write about? Or maybe which One Chicago man Madison should end up falling in love with? Text me your requests!
Stay safe and wear a mask! 💘

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