Chapter 15: Gift Exchange

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"A...potion?" Mao Mao asked, cocking an eyebrow up at his fiance, who now held a gleaming, golden wrench with an engraving on the side that read, "I hope this helps you fixed things as well as you fixed my heart. Love, Kitten."

"Just drink it. Trust me." Badgerclops could feel excitement flooding each and every last one of his nerves. Camille had told him the magic effects of the potion would kick in a few moments after the potion was consumed, and would be permanent.

"Okay." The sheriff's voice was wary, but he trusted Badgerclops with his life. He drank the potion down quickly, scrunching up his face at the bitter taste.

A moment passed between them...

Then two...

"I don't feel any-" Mao Mao let out a gasp and leaned on to the table. He felt as if the stub where his tail used to be was being grabbed at the tip and stretched out. It felt incredible strange and almost a little violating. He never let anyone other than himself handle his tail, even as a child, feeling as if someone else was touching it without his permission felt wrong.

"What was that!?" The cat turned to his lover, his tone demanding to know what he'd been given.

"Mao Mao," a smile was beginning to break out on Badgerclops's face, "look at your tail."

"Tail!?" Mao Mao felt himself growing irritated, "I don't have a-" something covered in black fur flickered across the corner of the cat's vision. Mao Mao went stiff, then slowly began to realize that his tail stub felt...longer. Willing his tail stub muscles to move, a tail slowly began to curve around the sheriff's body and creeped into his vision.

Mao Mao's breath left him as he gazed down at the tail in his lap. Tears cascaded down his cheeks as he began to let out shaky bits of laughter. Mao Mao ran his fingers across the fur of his tail, as if not being able to believe what was before his eyes. The sheriff turned his eyes to his deputy and almost fell into his arms. With his arms around the badger's neck and his tail wrapping around Badgerclops's waist.

"Thankyouthankyouthankyou!" The words spilled through the sheriff's shuddering sobs as Badgerclops put his own arms around the cat and rubbed his back gently.

"Hey, there's no need to thank me. I'd do anything for you." Badgerclops put a kiss on Mao Mao's cheek as his feline lover's sobs began to die down. Soon Mao Mao was smiling, hardly believing he had such an amazing fiance, who would go through all the trouble just to get him his tail back.

"I love you, more than being a legendary hero." Mao Mao whispered into Badgerclops's ear.

"And I love you, more than any invention I could build, or any snack I could eat." Badgerclops bit at the air, his teeth making a clicking sound. Mao Mao chuckled and leaned back a bit so he could see his badger. His cheeks were still wet from his tears and his sniffled a bit. Tenderly, Badgerclops brought his hands to Mao Mao's face and wiped the tears away, bringing the cat in for a kiss when he was done.

"MAO MAO, YOU'RE TAIL'S BACK!!!" Came an ear piercing voice from the doorway. Adorabat came flapping at the speed of a bullet, knocking Mao Mao off of Badgerclops with a suffocating hug around his neck. Tanya was laughing in the doorway.

"Can't breathe..." Mao Mao wheezed, getting Adorabat to let go.

"Sorry! It's just awesome seeing you with your tail! Can I touch it!?" Adorabat was filled with eagerness at the thought of touching the sheriff's silky looking tail.

"Well...I..." Mao Mao wasn't sure how to tell his deputy no, so he improvised, "My tail is still sore from regrowing, so I don't think that's a good idea."

"Ok!" Adorabat hugged him and then took a seat at the table.

"Wait, how DID your tail grow back?" Tanya asked, inspecting the tail she hadn't seen in so long.

"I got a potion from Camille." Badgerclops proclaimed proudly as he gestured to the empty potion bottle, "It was my engagement present to Mao Mao."

"Ok that's sweet." Tanya had a hand over her heart, "Mao Mao, how did you get such an amazing fiance?" The sheriff scratched the back of his head.

"I don't know, sometimes I wonder if he's a robot or something." Mao Mao was swept up by a pair of large arms. Badgerclops chuckled and kissed the cat's cheek.

"Let's go with or something."

It Started With A Nap (A Mao Mao x Badgerclops fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now