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Walking Into the garage Oh see two men sitting on a white couch in the middle of a intense game of Chess.

Oh tapped on the pink shirt man.

"Excuse me P', hey"  Oh speaks out.

" What business do you have here and who is your brother glasses boy" the man with the pink shirt says.

Oh starts to play with his fingers getting more nervous by the second.

"I'm here to see the owner of these clothes" he says doing a hand motion to show the clothes on his body to the Stunned men.

The white shirt leans to the pink shirt and try's to whisper.

"He's wearing P'Pong's clothes" he says.

~his name is pong, okay noted~ oh says to himself

"P'Pong, you have a guest" the pink shirt man voice rings out into the voice reaches Pongs ears.

Pong gets from under his motorcycle and whips his hands on the yellow clothe on top of the motorcycle.

Wearing  new clothes.  Dark blue shirt, black skin thought jeans and black combat boots with the same necklace he wore when Oh  saw him earlier that day.

"Sawadee can I have my school uniform back?"  Oh asks softly.

"I already threw them away" Pong says while handing the crowbar to his friend in the pink shirt.

"What?" Oh ask in hopping his ears heard the wrong thing while his voice is below a whisper in disbelief.

"You should not skip school" he says sounding like a scolding mom.

"But I didn't I got suspended" he says not wanting to sounding defensive.

Pink shirt is the one that speaks.

"A wimpy boy like you gets Suspended?" He says with a gasp.

"Yes, had a fight with the school director's nephews " he says nodding his head.

"Copper?"  White shirt asked.

Oh nods.

"I hit him in the head" he says simply.

"Are you joking? Did you really do that?" Pink shirt asks.

"Hey glasses boy you are the man!" Pink shirt says holding his hand out for ohm today shake.

They shook hands and oh quickly let his hands go afraid of his hands being too sweaty.

All while he tells the story and the boys mane comments pong just stares at Oh trying to find any flaws. But can't find one.

"That's P'jack" the white shirt points at pink shirt.

"I am P'Jued" he points t his self.

"Can I stay here for with you guys? I can clean and even massage" he says massaging P'Jued shoulders.

"This actually feels amazing" he compliments Oh.

"Got to ask him but it's a yes for us" he says.

"P'poooonnnnggg" he says out.

"No" pong says with a deadpanned face.

"Please" Oh says with his puppy dog eyes coming out.

"Okay! Fine whatever" Oh smile happily then sat down in the chair.

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