6 ¤ Feelings

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“Everything okay?” Damien stopped a few steps away from Violet, a look of concern on his face. 
“I look that bad?” She raised a hand to her hair and looked around to see if anyone else had noticed.
“You look great. You just have this weird look on your face.” Damien shook his head and shrugged his slim shoulders, shoving his hands into his pockets.
Violet flushed at the compliment and let her hand fall down to her side. She gave him a quick look, admiring the good looks of her crush before staring straight ahead again. 
He was several inches taller than her and was often called a string bean due to his slender build. It didn't bother him. He counted himself lucky that he could eat whatever he wanted and not have to worry about weight. Besides, he was all muscle due to wrestling.
He watched Violet as she tried to get rid of the weird expression she wore. But it wasn't happening. He wanted her to open up to him, in the worst way. He wanted to reach out and run his fingers through her sandy blonde hair. He wanted to hold her in his arms and confess that he'd been crushing on her almost their entire friendship. 

They’d met in the sixth grade as they walked into their third period class. Some other kid bumped into Violet as he ran into the classroom to meet up with his buddies. The scared look on her face as she fell had him jumping into action. Lunging to the floor, he used his backpack to pad the impact. Violet fell on top of him, her eyes full of the gratefulness she felt for him. And it was at that moment, he knew he would love her forever.
But he wasn't her boyfriend and even though they’d been friends for so long, he knew pushing her to talk wouldn't do any good. Her mom had been the only person able to get her to open up.
They stayed quiet as they walked to school, each absorbed by their thoughts. He walked with her to her locker before waving and going to the next hall to visit his own locker. He knew she'd talk to someone when she was ready.
Violet felt a twinge of regret. She wanted to talk to him about what was going on. But she didn't want to feel like a burden. She sighed long and hard as she shoved her first two classes worth of books and notebooks into the backpack. A metal clang filled the air as the door slammed shut and then she put the lock into place before going to her first class. 
She couldn't focus on anything. No matter how hard she tried, she kept thinking back to catching her dad and that woman embracing each other on the couch.
Her dad had tried to come to talk to her after she heard a car leave. He told her that they had only made out, nothing more. His face showed just how embarrassed he was to talk to her about it and it wasn’t too surprising that he’d left her alone soon after. She was glad he went away because she had no desire to picture her dad being intimate with anyone.
It was their flushed faces that made her mad. The look of shock each of them had worn fueled the anger. Neither of them had any sense to be ashamed of their actions. 
The bell rang and Violet slammed her textbook shut, shoving it with just as much force into her backpack. She followed her classmates into the crowded hall and made her way toward her next class, her pent up anger making her see red.

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Violet found Damien sitting with a few of their friends outside during lunch. He joked about how lucky they were to have lunch at the same time and she had to agree. It was nice to have a moment in their day when they could all be together, even if it was at school. 
“Hey, Vi.” Hannah trilled, jumping up from the metal bench. She leaned in and gave Violet a quick hug before returning to her suspicious-looking nachos.
The rest of the group gave her scattered greetings before she locked eyes with Damien and he flashed her a million dollar smile. Her stomach did an odd flip, her heart raced a little faster.
They all talked about impending tests and the lack of excitement in their various classes. Hannah complained about a project she had to do for biology. But she perked up when she admitted that her partner was Kirt, her crush. 
All the drama with her dad and her was almost forgotten as the group of teens joked and talked. 
Laughter erupted when Mickey made goofy faces. Everyone expressed their excitement for Sylvia’s part in the school production of Clue. She blushed and looked away anytime she thought she caught Damien looking at her. After a few minutes, she accepted a bite of nachos and admitted that they were delicious. The bell rang too soon.
The group cleaned up their mess, staying with each other for as long as they could, and waved goodbye as they parted in various directions. 
Damien caught Violet by her elbow before she could get too far. “Can I ask you something?” He let her go to twist his fingers together.
“Yeah.” She shrugged and readjusted the strap of her backpack. “But we need to hurry. We’re gonna be late.”
“Not sure how to say it.” He seemed to be talking to himself, not even looking at her. It was doubtful he’d even heard what she said.
“I...I like you. A lot. I have for a really long time. And I want...I mean I have been wanting to ask you out.” He turned his eyes to hers, his face turning a deep shade of red. He had his fingers clasped together now, turning his knuckles white. “I didn’t even plan on telling you, but…”
Violet's eyes went wide as she realized that what she'd been hoping would come to be for so long was now happening. She let the joy bubbling up take control as she leapt toward him and flung her arms around his neck.
He managed to free his hands and return the hug. “I’ll take that as a yes.” He sounded relieved and surprised. 
"Of course!" Violet pulled back enough to look up at him, an uncontrollable grin spread across her face.
Damien leaned down and placed his lips against hers.
Violet's mind couldn't focus on anything except the way she felt at that moment. It's better than the movies.
Damien had his arms wrapped around her waist, lifting her to her tiptoes as he held her close to his body. 
When they pulled away, it was only because the tardy bell rang. Neither of them wanted to let go, but they also didn’t want to end up in detention.
Damien was blushing, but he never took his eyes off of her. "Until we get out of school."
“Yeah.” Violet gave him a nervous giggle.
Damien leaned down and kissed her once more.
They waved goodbye and ran to their classes, ready for the day to be over so they could walk home together as usual. But this time, as a couple.

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