The Return

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Harry POV

We were going back to Hogwarts to repeat our seventh year. I sighed in relief when I found out. It really would have been unfair if our seventh year was cut short and voided. 

"Harry dear, come on down for breakfast," Mrs. Weasley called from downstairs. It was the morning of the first day, and Ron and I ate breakfast with much anticipation. Ginny came down a bit later and greeted me with a kiss on the cheek. We had been dating for a while now much to Ron's protest. Whatever, he was just jealous because Hermione wasn't here and he felt like a third-wheel.

"I heard something exciting in regards to the coming year," said Mrs. Weasley mischievously, with a little glint in her eye.  

"What's that mum?" Ron asked curiously. Mrs. Weasley simply shrugged;

"guess you'll find out soon." Ron, Ginny, and I groaned simultaneously. I guessed that it probably wasn't that exciting, like a new test or something. I quickly forgot about the supposed surprise though as I rushed to get all of my materials.

"I'm so glad we don't have to go shopping in Diagon Alley for all the stuff," Ron said. I agreed. Shopping was terrible. Ginny put her hands on her hips.

"You sure?" she said, as if scolding us. Ron and I turned to each other extremely confused. She held up a list that read:

I was scanning the items, about to ask her why she was showing us her list when suddenly I realized.  

"Oh no don't tell me, Ginny is that really your list?" She nodded in a told-you-so manner. Ron put his head in his hands.

"The supplies are completely different than they were before." He complained. I chuckled, patting him on the shoulder. 

"Now c'mon Ron, guess we got to go shopping after all." Before he could say anything more I apparated us over to Diagon Alley.

Regardless of my vendetta against shopping, the sights, smells, and sounds of Diagon Alley were nostalgia at its finest. We rushed to and fro, desperately searching for the shops listed on our lists. I noticed a couple other students doing the same. 

"Oi Neville, how ya doin?" Ron yelled suddenly. He quickened his pace and started walking the direction of our old friend. He grinned.

"Long time no see guys!" Ron tackled him in a hug, ruffling his hair. 

"Out here getting the new materials no doubt?" I asked.

Neville sighed, "ye, it really sucks they sprung it on us like this." He gave us a shrug, "we can't do much about it though, can we." 

I looked down at the list one more time, "guess they just updated all of the textbooks. Most of em just say V2."

Ron nodded, "Advanced Transfiguration V2, Advanced Potion Making V2, heck Harry, you're right, everything is V2." He put a hand on his chin, "I wonder why." 

"Hey idiots! We haven't got that long you know!" Ginny called from a short distance away, looking positively furious. 

I gave Neville an apologetic smile, "sorry man, she's right though, Mrs. Weasely would throw a fit if Ron and I miss the Hogwarts Express again. We'll see you at Hogwarts!"

Ron and I yelled our goodbyes and jogged to catch up to Ginny who was in a big rush. 

"Alright you two I'm giving you ten minutes, get the rest of your stuff and let's go go go!" Ron and I sighed simultaneously, dragging our feet all the way to the next store. 


Hermione was waiting for us at Kings Cross. She grinned widely when she saw Ron and I. She walked up to us, giving each of us a giant hug and pecked Ron on the cheek. Her eyes widened looking behind us and she ran over to Ginny, who had just arrived. They began catching up like mad, talking about their summer like all girls do. Ron and I sighed. We gestured to the girls. 

"Let's get a move on shall we?" Ron yelled. 

Ginny shook her head, "who's in a rush now?" She said mockingly. 

With all our school materials in trolleys. , and a muttering Ron we ran towards the pillar between platforms 9 and 10.

Hermione POV

The Hogwarts Express was the same as ever and it brought many nostalgic memories back simply seeing it. I was ridiculously happy being able to see all my friends, as being home turned out to be quite boring. 

Eyes turned slowly towards us, and then suddenly it looked like Black Friday. We were swamped by students, all asking for our autographs. I looked over to Ron and Harry who were getting the worst of it, Harry in particular. I looked to those who were around me, signing some of the pieces of paper being held out and giving my kindest regards to all of them. Trying to be polite, we said hello to most everyone in that crowd. 

Eventually it became too much though and we escaped onto the train. Ron located a booth at the end of one of the cars, and we all piled in there as quickly as possible. I cast a curtain spell so that nobody could see we were in there. 

The four of us sighed in relief. We sat there in a comfortable silence until Harry perked up;

"Mrs. Weasley said something exciting was happening this year." 

I looked down darkly, "Hopefully this excitement isn't due to anything bad..." I started. Looking at everyone's expressions I quickly added, "and it won't be." They all nodded.                                       

"I hope so at least." Ron mumbled under his breath. I placed my hand on top of his, trying to comfort him. I just hated seeing him nervous.

It wasn't long before Hogwarts, in all its glory, came into view. I was so unbelievably excited for the year, for the classes, and to spend time with my best friends. 

I stood up, as I did every year and made the announcement. "Let's get our robes on everyone."


We disembarked at Hogsmeade Station, and made our way to the thestral-drawn carriages. The fact that I couldn't see the horses was something that bothered me in a way, but I knew I was luckier for not being able to see them. (okayyyyyyyy ik. I just have no idea if they actually saw anybody die. So we're gonna go with Ron, Hermione, and Ginny not being able to see the thestrals.) 

I looked to my left, and Harry was frowning. I followed his gaze, and saw that he was looking at a farther-off wagon, where four unfamiliar faces were laughing and petting what I was guessing was where the thestrals are. 

"Do you know who they are?" I asked. 

Harry shook his head, "that's why I'm confused. They seem like they can see the thestrals too." I looked back in that direction, but they were gone, probably in the wagon. 

Ron put an arm around me, "they didn't look like first years. Wonder who they are, never seen anyone like em in my life." We all shrugged to each other, unable to place who they were and why they were here. It probably wasn't a big deal anyway, why worry about something that didn't matter? We headed into the wagon.

If it isn't obvious I don't like HP as much as PJO lmao.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2020 ⏰

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