Velma x reader (Guy's side) Chapter 7: Costumes to Monsters

Start from the beginning

"Come on, this way! Quick, the elevator!" Shaggy exclaims.

As if things weren't bad enough, the Ten Thousand Volt Ghost appears, nearly electrocuting us!

"The Ten Thousand Volt Ghosts!" (F/A/N) exclaims, scared as we all quickly get on the elevator.

"We're gonna die!" Shaggy screams.

"Think positive!" I exclaim.

"We're gonna die quickly!" my boyfriend exclaims back.

"Wait for me!" the Ten Thousand Volt Ghost calls out with a creepy voice.

Somehow, the Ten Thousand Volt Ghost uses the power-line to make his way to us. As fast as we can, we all get out of the elevator before sparky could get to us. While backing away from him, two skeleton monsters appear, making me guess that it's the Skeleton Men! My friends and I all scream and split into two groups.

While Shaggy, Scooby, (F/A/N) and I head in one direction, the others go the other way.

"Legs don't fail me now!" I exclaim, running with all my might.

"An exit!" Shaggy exclaims, looking relieved.

"Run, Raggy!" Scooby exclaims, the Skeleton Men right on his tail (not literally).

Unfortunately, the door Shaggy found wasn't exactly an exit. I mean, it lead to outside, but we were kind of high up. Shaggy, (F/A/N) and I stand there for a moment. Then Scooby crashes into us, making us fall outside onto the ground.

I landed on Shaggy, (F/A/N) landed on me and Scooby landed on (F/A/N). We don't waste anytime on getting back up and running for our lives so that The Skeleton Men don't catch us.

(3rd) POV:

"Stop them!" The Evil Masked Figure yells out to the monsters. "Destroy the city if you have to, but get me that control panel! With it, they can destroy everything I've set out to do. And I will not allow that accursed Detective (L/N)'s offspring get in my way like his father did!"

Meanwhile, Fred, Daphne, Velma, Sam and Dean run towards the van and scramble to get in.

"Hurry up, gang. We need to find (Y/N), (F/A/N), Shaggy and Scooby," Fred informs, getting in the van.

"End of the line, Mystery Inc.!" the Ten Thousand Volt Ghost declares. "Die!"

The Ten Thousand Volt Ghost then sends an electrical attack towards the gang, but they manage to get away on time, avoiding from being electrocuted.

(Y/N)'s POV:

"Let's book, guys," Shaggy says, as the four of us keep running.

However, we soon end up near the edge of a cliff. The Skeleton Men are still chasing us, so I try to quickly think of a way to get us out of this situation. Then I notice four trash bins and come up with an idea.

"Shaggy, here!" I exclaim, handing him a trash bin lid.

Shaggy nods his head, understanding what I'm getting at. "Let's rip it, Scoob! Zoinks!"

I jump down on the cliff, making sure to use my trash bin lid as a sled board. Shaggy, (F/A/N) and Scooby quickly follow after and do the same.

(3rd) POV:

Seeing that their targets had escaped, the skeleton man with the red eye yells angrily.

3rd Scooby-Doo sequel/Scooby-Doo Monsters UnleashedWhere stories live. Discover now