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She's just my type. When ever I see a tall blonde I become crazed. But it's only every other fourth one. It's strange but my mind fixates on it.

I was diagnosed with OCD at age 11. My problems came in fours. Everything has to be in numbers of fours. I would flick my light switch four times while leaving and entering a room. I would brush my teeth for four minutes. Everything had to be in fours. They say OCD isn't a mental illness. It's a problem with in the persons self and that is the way they cope with the problem or incident. We could never figure out what triggered mine.

I don't know why I get so hung up on these tall blondes though. I watch them for four days and four nights. Learn their daily patterns then when the times right I take them.

This particular blonde was named Abby. She had an average job. She was a receptionist at Apple. She drove a little red Kia soul and lived alone. She was perfect. She seemed to not have any close friends or at least doesn't hang out with them on a daily basis. She just had her 22 birthday 2 weeks ago. I can tell by the banner that still hangs in her living room window. She is only 1 year younger than me.

Im going to get her from her quaint apartment at 4:44 am. And take her away to my little building.

I drive up and put the key I made in the lock. It opens without hesitation. I walk into her apartment. I know exactly where to go. I've study this home for this exact moment. It's routine by now. I've taken many tall blondes that it doesn't even phase me anymore. I plan on trying some new attics when I take her away to my building. I'm quite excited about my new routine to spice things up.

I walk into her room and but the chloroform soaked cloth over her mouth. I hold it there for four minutes. I throw the dead weight of her body over my shoulder and carry her to into the dark night to my car. I gently lay her down into my back seat and start my long journey to the little building on the out skirts of town.

We drive for a couple of hours I pull over ever 44 minutes to check on Abby. She looks so peaceful laying there. I cures her slightly flushed cheeks. She wakes slightly and I just lay her small head in my lap and firmly place the chloroformed rag over her so she stays passed out till we get there. I don't like a struggle till I'm ready. I like to play with them before I end the deal and I'm off to the next one.

We pull into my narrow gravel driveway. I put her over my shoulder like I did once before. I open up the door and take her to the back room. There is a single bulb hanging from the ceiling. Dimly lighting the perfectly symmetrical room. There is a doctors chair in the middle of the room. I lay Abby down and strap her arms, waist, and legs in. I await for her to awake from her drugged slumber.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2015 ⏰

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