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"Girl when you wear them heels, it's like you're making a deal with the devil."~Brent faiyaz 'Allure'

The cool burn of the long metal pole stings the flesh on my bare stomach as I wrap my arms around it. Saturdays are the the busiest, I watch as all different types of men fill the club. Short and tall, big and small. I practice my routine on my pole while I wait for my audience. The music is loud but slow paced and a man sits up front right next to the stage, hand full of ones. I smirk and start my routine slowly circling the pole, I hold on to it i
with one hand, sling my leg over it. Slowly winding to the bottom, I feel the music and start to move as one with it, swaying my hips and gaining a few dollars. I lock eyes with the man in front as I slowly drop down into a split. He eyes my every move, his face serious and complex he does so much as bat an eye and I'm determined to crack him. I slowly make my way to his chair and guys who I asume to be his friends howl and pat his back but he doesn't acknowledge them he keeps a steady and mysterious eye on my face. I circle his chair a few times before straddling his lap.

I remove the blut from his hand and take a long and steady pull inhaling the bitter smoke. He raises a intrigued brow and I grap his face passionately kissing him letting the smoke that I gathered in my mouth flow into his. He blows it out through his nose and places his hand on my jaw his cold rings stinging my hot skin. I pull my lips away and he seems unfazed.

"What do you want?" I whisper into his ear, pushing my hips further down into his.

"I want my blut back baby," He says his voice raspy and smooth and I can feel the flustered feeling build up inside me, my first thought is he has to be gay. No straight man would reject sexual advances like that.

I smirk and give him his blut back, standing up off his lap and making my way back up to the stage.

"Oh and my wallet," He smirks and I lose my breath for a second, how did he know I took his wallet he didn't even pat his pockets to check. I walk back down swaying my hip to give him his wallet back.

"Here you go..."


"Right, Brent." I say giving him his wallet and fixing up his shirt and patting his chest.

"And you mama?" I smirk before I look over my shoulder.

"Dulce." I say giving him my stage name, and walking back up to my pole, when I turned around he was gone.

The rest of the day went as usual, the regular club fight and horny men looking for something then can't get themselves.

I collect my money that was sprawled all over the floor and I see a stack of hundreds the paper band holding them together saying one thousand, I smile when I turn it over. Scribbled on the back of the last Benjamin reads "from Brent". I search the stack of money desperately looking for any sign of a number or any other writing, my search coming up empty. I sigh and collect the rest of the money on the floor.

I walk in to the crowded and heavily perfumed dressing room and walk over to my locker, I put in my combination pulling out my giant hoodie and sweat pants at and slipping them on, I put my money in my large gym bag and start to head out.

"You're leaving already Kiera?" Aisha asks.

"Yeah I'm tired and I have to work the night shift tomorrow." I say smiling at her I give her a hug and kiss her cheek.

"Be safe baby!" She exclaims as I leave through the back door of the club.

"I will." I say fetching the keys to my old school Chevy Impala.

I walk up to my car and put the key into the door. I remember when I bought my car, I had made my first two hundred thousand from stripping and it took me months. I saved the money and bought me a muscle car. But now I make around the same amount maybe even more every two weeks and a half. There are a lot of rich, lonely white men in L.A looking for young women and money to spend.

I hop in and start the engine putting the stick into drive before pulling out of the driveway. The damp night air bursts through the window as a drive. L.A air is really something you have to experience yourself. I drive faster remembering I have to get home and feed my dog. I'm glad I have a car now walking home alone at night was scary when I didn't have one. That's why I bought a dog but the club didn't allow him in so I was stuck with him.

I park my car in the driveway of my apartment and lock it with my key.
I hike up the steps and already I can hear Cujo whining and scratching on the other side of the door.

I push the door open and brace myself for Cujo to jump.

"Hey jojo. Hey baby boy." I say as my full gown gray and white pit bull jumps on me  completely knocking me over. I cover my face as he licks viciously at it.

"Ew jojo your breath 'tinky'." I say baby talking him. He gets even more excited at my high pitched tone.

"Cujo sit." He sits and watches me patiently.

"Good boy." I say kneeling down and mushing his face.

"Who's a good boy Cujo?" I ask and he barks.

"Phew that breath stink boy." I say standing up and giving him the sign that he can get up.

He follows me to the bathroom and I close the toilet patting it so he can get on.

"Sit Cujo, let me those teeth." I smile at him and he opens his mouth, thank God I put him in training if not this would all be very hard.

I get out his tooth brush and gently brush his teeth.

"Ok jojo, squeaky clean." I say patting his side. And walking out of the bathroom I can hear is Cuban chain clanking as he follows me into the bed room.

I pull my towel off of the rack on my door and walk back into the bathroom. The water runs and I strip down and settle my aching body into the hot bath sighing at the feeling. I grab my phone a put my playlist on shuffle. By coincidence "City girls" by YNW Melly plays and I laugh at the chances.

"She don't want love, she don't love no one but herself only thing she cares about is a lace front weave and boutiques from Chanel," I sing along.

'Every time you walk out the door with a bag full of ones and a lame ni**a under your belt.'

"Fuck," I sigh and become frustrated with the song. Skipping it and quickly cleaning my body so I can get out and sleep. Fucking sleep, I have so much to do tomorrow in the morning and night I'll probably only sleep a few hours.

I walk out of the bathroom and instantly Cujo starts to like the water droplets of of my legs, I playfully kick at his face.

"You're luck your mouth is clean." I smile at him. I change into some pajamas and hop on my bed. Cujo takes his place at my feet, shuffling under the blanket and curling up into my feet.

Allure~Brent FaiyazWhere stories live. Discover now