Epilogue- Keep Smiling... For Him

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The Ninja Seeking Club gathered in the club room. As per usual, they couldn't be positive. That was until Yamabuki came in.

Yamabuki: 'Sup y'all!

She had a bright smile that had the others confused.

Akari: What's gotten you so hyped up?

Akari asked. She looked a little irritated.

Yamabuki took out a sketching book and a brush. She proceeded to draw on the paper.

Enju: What are you...?

Yamabuki: Arise my puppet!

Yamabuki said this enthusiastically as her drawing came to life. It was Kazuki.

Enju was annoyed. It could be seen.

Enju: Do you think this will make us feel better?! To just draw a ouppet and act replace a dead person with it?! A friend no less?!

Yamabuki: Calm down Enju. Ya'll see...

Yamabuki didn't stop smiling.

Yamabuki: I killed Guten. I went to the MEA headquarters this weekend and killed him with a Kamuy drawing. It felt so fitting y'know...

Enju: You did...?

Lily: And Beretta didn't care?

Yamabuki: Nope! They had already gotten the answers needed outta him. Anyways... Kazuki? Ya in there?

Ricka: Kazuki's death made her mad...

Kazuki Puppet: Yes...

Enju: Huh...?

Lily: Was that...

Yamabuki: Ya see, I only noticed this, but I can talk to the dead by drawing them.

Myu: Are you sure it's not just the Grand Hentai?

Yamabuki: Sure as can be!

Kazuki Puppet: Guys, I... hate seeing... you so... sad.

Akari: Kazuki... It's really you...?

Yamabuki: Welp, his soul is in the puppet now. He's usin' the puppet to talk to us.

Tengge was tearing up as she spoke.

Tengge: Wow, what a smart idea. He still does have some bright ideas.

Yamabuki: Yeah...

Tears started to form in everyone's eyes as they looked at the puppet. It smiled.

Akari: It's my fault... It's my own fault we have to summon a puppet to alj to you...

Kazuki Puppet: No... it's their... fault for... being so... selfless.

Nanao: I could've healed you... but... I didn't. I'm so weak...

Nanao clutched onto the puppet.

Kazuki: No... don't feel bad... You did... nothing wrong...

Nanao: But, you could have been here... and we could've been talkkng abkut this season's anime.

Kazuki: Nanao... it's ok... I forgive you...

Lily: So, we can speak to you now whenever Yamabuki draws a puppet?

Kazuki: Yeah...

Enju: Come here you hentai

Enju leaped into the puppet and it hugged her back.

Kazuki: Enju...

Enju: I could've stopped the bouldet if I was stronger...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2020 ⏰

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