chapter seven- The Stubbornness of the Hogwarts Staff

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As you could probably tell I edited this story heaps. I hate reading fanic in first person and once I realised how annoyig it is I went and changed all six chapters. Thank you for sticking with this book, I knew I would get back to it soon! It's been almost a month-long break now so I decided to update it! Enjoy!


"L/n!" a voice rang out. Y/n and Hermione were walking to class as three Slytherins walked up behind them.

"What do you want, Malfoy?" y/n replied, exasperated. She turned around and watched the three of them near the two of them.

"Why are you hanging around a mudblood?" Hermione and y/n frowned in confusion at the name but they both had a feeling that it was something bad.

"D-don't call her that, whatever it is," y/n said glaring at Malfoy who scoffed,

"You don't know what it is? Are you a pureblood or not?" Malfoy asked.

Y/n glowered at him before grabbing Hermione's hand and dragging her down the corridor, away from Malfoy and his bodyguards.

"Y-y/n! What just happened?" Hermione asked.

"He's toxic," the other girl grumbled as she dragged Hermione even further.

"What's a mudblood?" Hermione asked, "I figured it was something bad but I've never read it anywhere."

"I have no idea," y/n stopped and let go of Hermione, "I'm sorry for dragging you. He's just such a prat!" Hermione nodded,

"Don't pay any attention to him."

Y/n sighed before they set off to the Potions classroom again. They had just made it in time as the doors opened. Hermione and y/n followed the rest of the class inside. Y/n could see Ron's flaming red hair ahead of them as she sat down beside Hermione. She hadn't spoken to either Harry or Ron in a couple days. She had spoken to Neville yesterday during lunch and dinner, but as she spent lots of her time with Hermione, she stayed away from the two boys feeling tension between them and her friend. Hermione had taken y/n to the library after school yesterday and y/n was utterly amazed. The endless rows of bookshelves that reached the ceiling, the comfy couches and booths spotted around the outside, the strict librarian that no one actually listened to. Just the whole peacefulness of students studying. They had spent hours in there reading up on things for the next days classes before grudgingly returning to Gryffindor tower to sleep.

"Now that everyone is seated," began Snape. He was sitting at his desk looking awfully like an overgrown bat, "I will begin with the register."

Snape called out at least half the class before he paused. He called out Harry's name and smirked at the same time,

"Ah, yes. Harry Potter, our new - celebrity." Y/n heard laughter and glared over at Malfoy and his two friends. Malfoy hesitated slightly before continuing to snicker. Snape continued down the roll, "y/n l/n."

"Here, sir," y/n said. Snape looked up and met her eye. Y/n felt herself shrink away from his cold gaze. He gave a sharp nod and continued down the roll. Y/n really wanted to do well in Potions, it was like cooking but more dangerous if you messed up.

"You are here to learn the subtle science and exact art that is potion making. As there is little foolish wand-waving here, many of you will hardly believe this is magic. I don't expect you will really understand the beauty of the softly simmering cauldron with the shimmering fumes-" y/n zoned out just then and stared into space. She was trying to remember something but it felt really distant like an old friend she hasn't seen in a decade, like Déjà vu. Y/n felt Hermione shift next to her but ignored it.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2020 ⏰

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