chapter four - aboard the hogwarts express

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One month later, y/n pushed her trolley onto the platform just as a group of redheads passed by her, a familiar small boy with dark hair pushing his trolley after them. Y/n grinned, this must be the Weasleys.

"Now, what's the platform number?" she heard the mother ask. The small girl clutching her mother's arm piped up,

"Platform Nine and Three Quarters!" y/n smiled at what must've been Ginny and Molly Weasley.

"All right Percy, you go first," Mrs Weasley instructed and a boy with red hair who looked like the oldest brother walked forward briskly. Y/n crept a little to the left to watch the boy go through the barrier at the same time a group of Muggles walked in front of him. However, y/n watched him disappear from her view. A little frustrated she watched more carefully.

"Fred, you next," Mrs Weasley nodded to a pair of identical twins, Fred and George. Y/n studied their faces to guess who was who. Fred on the left, George on the right. Fred replied,

"I'm not Fred, I'm George! Honestly, woman, you call yourself our mother? Can't you tell I'm George?"

"Sorry, George, dear."

"Only joking, I am Fred!" The twin winked before rushing towards the platform. 'Yes!' y/n thought, 'I was right!' George ran after him and disappeared too.

"Excuse me!" Y/n looked around and watched Harry push his trolley closer to the three leftover Weasleys.

"Oh, Hello dear. Hogwarts too? Ron's new too!" Mrs Weasley said and Harry nodded nervously. Y/n spotted Ron standing behind his mother. He lifted his hand a fraction of a wave to Harry. He was exactly as y/n had imagined him in the books.

"The thing is - the thing is, I don't know how to get on the platform," Harry stuttered.

"How to get onto the platform? Not to worry dear! All you have to do is walk straight at the barrier between platforms nine and ten. Don't stop and don't be scared you'll crash into it, that's very important. Best do it at a bit of a run if you're nervous. Go on, go now before Ron."

"Er - ok." y/n watched Harry disappear through the barrier. Then Mrs Weasley and Ginny disappeared from view too. Finally y/n pushed her trolley up to the barrier and ran at it. Just as she was passing through, she heard someone call her name.

Y/n arrived on platform nine 3/4 and a huge grin spread across her face. It was better than she had ever imagined. There were crowds of families milling about saying goodbye to their loved ones and owls swooping overhead as if they were socialising too. Y/n heaved her trunk and her kitten's (who she had named Sebastian) cage onto the locomotive and pulled them though the train to find an empty compartment. She found one at the end of the train near the toilets which was handy to get changed in, in case she found herself in the unfortunate situation of being forced to share a compartment with strangers. She loaded her things above her head on the luggage rack and sat down on the seat next to the door with my feet up in front of her. I faced the window and stared out onto the platform, missing Logan. There was a jolt and my heart leapt, I was off to Hogwarts.

Twenty minutes later a girl with bushy brown hair who had already changed into her robes opened the door and stuck her head in.

"Have you seen a-" she began but stopped halfway. She shook her head and continued, but her expression was wary, "Have you seen a toad?"

"No, er, sorry. Hermione Granger, right?" y/n asked.

"Um, yes I am. How - how do you know me?"

Y/n ignored her question and stuck out her hand,

"I'm y/n l/n."

"Nice to meet you y/n. I say, do you know much about Hogwarts?"

"A decent amount, I reckon," y/n replied.

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