Gabe and Grace Brown

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Grace POV

It was great to be back in Arkansas. Lacy's parents dropped us off at our new home and helped us unload. "It's going to be weird that we aren't going to be within walking distance of each other." "It's just a short five-minute drive. I'm also just a phone call away." I hugged her and we could hear Noah gathering all the kids into the car. "Good luck at work tomorrow." "You too." She started walking away and Gabe joined me as we all waved goodbye. I was starting a new job tomorrow as the head doctor over General Surgery. I do remember when I was an intern at this hospital when I was in college. "It's getting late. I also need to go to the grocery store down the road." I kissed him as I went into the house to start a grocery list. At this time of the year, we would be getting ready for the weather to finally start changing but not in Arkansas. It was still hot, and it would be for about another month. I needed spices, sauces, and just everything from the store. I found a yellow legal pad and started my list. It would take up two lists on both sides of the paper.

Gabe POV

I was putting the different beds together throughout the house. "I'm headed out! The girls are coming with me!" Grace had yelled it across the house. "Okay!" Henry was trying to help me. It was going to be a new life for us, and I was ready to see how it was going to play out. "You got it?" Henry was only thirteen years old and he was still learning how to use tools. "I've got it." I watched him as he was trying to use a screwdriver, but he was using the wrong one. Grace and I had talked about letting the kids be more independent. I went back to my work and my first thought was on the day that he was born.

The Next Day

Grace POV

I was up before anyone else as I had the first cup of coffee. I was due at work in a couple of hours. The house was quiet and peaceful. Maybe we should get a dog? I laughed at myself. The sink looked out into the back yard. I was startled when a pair of arms were wrapped around me. "Gabe!" I was quiet to not wake the kids. "Don't scare me like that." He kissed my neck. "Remember when we used to make love in the kitchen before the kids got out of bed?" I turned around to face. "Maybe another time because I have to go get ready for work. I don't want to be late on my first day?" "Maybe it will help us to be more relaxed because I also have a job interview this afternoon." "Where?" "With a construction company in town. I'm hoping to take the job and move up." "I think that is great. You could get your contractor's license." "I want to get a few years of experience to help me prepare for the test." "Good." I leaned up to kiss him and then he picked me up with ease. I wrapped my legs around his waist and then got down on his knees. He laid me gently down on the floor. There was a rug in front of the sink, and he laid me on top of it. "Maybe this will make you a little more comfortable. Objects slide better on the tile." I giggled at him as he kissed me. He was about to take off my sleep shirt when I heard a noise. "I think one of the kids is coming." "I didn't hear anything." "Momma!" Gabe stood up first and then helped me up. I straightened up my clothes and handed Gabe back his tank top. "Yes, sweetie." Emma came around the corner. "I had an accident in bed." I walked over to her. "Go to the bathroom and get the shower running. I'll get you some clothes." I looked back at Gabe. "You go take care of Emma. I'll change her sheets." "Thank you. Continue this tonight?" "I'll be here." I laughed and shook my head. I started walking down the hall towards the bathroom.

I was already rushing out the door to make it to the hospital. I didn't want to be late on my first day. I was ready to start seeing patients again. We rented a car for the next two weeks until I could buy one. I drove into the parking lot and then I noticed that I had my own parking spot. I walked inside and one of my friends from my undergrad was standing just inside the door. "Oh my god! Dr. Gilmore, it has been a long time." I hugged him. "Dr. Harrell-Brown. It's great to see you." "You too. I'm ready to get started." "Follow me. We will walk and talk." I walked fast to keep up with him. "Do you remember Dr. Thomas that used to be over general when we were interns in school?" "Yes." "Well, you will be taking over his patient load. He decided that it was time for him to retire. He has been the general surgeon here for the last thirty years." "Bless that man. It was always very kind and a very good doctor." "He lost his wife a year ago and wanted to spend the last part of his life with his grandchildren." "That's understandable." We stopped at an elevator. We waited for it to open. A group of doctors stepped off and we stepped on. "The top floor is the attendant's lounge. There is a locker that you can use." "Okay." "Here is a set of keys." He pulled out a small ring with three keys on it. "This is for your locker." It was a small gold key with a round handle. "This goes to your office." It was a plain silver key. "Then this goes to all of the other rooms in this hospital." It was the largest key on the ring. It was gold and it had seen better days. The elevator doors opened. "This floor is for all of the staff. There are different lounges and locker rooms on the floor." "It's a while since I've been up here." "It definitely has changed." I followed him down the hall. It was the nicest lounge on the floor. There was another room off the lounge that had a few lockers in it. "You have the number 8." I walked over to the nice wooden locker. It was a small square that could lock with a place to hang my coat. I opened the square to see my name badge. I locked it and then grabbed the white coat hanging up. It had my name on it. I put the keys in my pocket and the name badge on my coat. "This is also for you." I turned around to see Howard handing me something. "This is your phone. This is the phone that the hospital will use to get ahold of you. I've program as many numbers that I could." His hand lingered a little too long for my liking. "Where is my office located?" "Its located one floor down. 400C." His phone started ringing in his pocket. "I've got to go. Text me if you have any questions." "Thanks." He rushed out of the room. I walked back to the elevator and went down a floor to find my office.

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