After the fire, outside the hospital

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"Oh my goodness I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" The face of the girl Bum had just ran into was very familiar. In fact, she was his bully's fiancé the last time he saw her.
"Yeah I'm okay- oh, Cake girl??" Bum asked as the girl's friend watched with a dirty look.
"Oh yeah haha. We broke up a couple of weeks ago though."
And in that moment, Bum remembered why he was in such a hurry........he had to go see Sangwoo, but didn't have enough money for a taxi.
"Hey um, do you mind lending me some money? I promise I'll pay you back!" Bum asked, looking down.
"Oh uhh, I don't think I have cash on me right now, do you?" She said while looking through her bag, "No I don't have cash either" said her friend. "I mean, there's an ATM right there if you don't mind waiting-" "Dude let's just go..." her friend said while clinging on tightly to her purse with a disgusted face looking at Bum up and down.
Face flushed with embarrassment, Bum yelled "I'm sorry! That's okay!" and proceeded to walk away.

But, something in him was yelling out that he needed to go see Sangwoo right now. So, almost immediately, he ran back to her and built up the courage to say, "I'm sorry but if you don't mind I really need the money to go see someone right now It's really important!"
"Oh okay sure! I don't mind. I'll be back let me go to the ATM. How much do you need?"
"Just about $20 would be fine." Bum mumbled.

"Okayyyyy, here you go. I hope it works out great between you and the special person you're going to see *haha*."
"Yea......I hope so too......" Bum whispered with a soft smile. "Oh! and Thank You!"
"No problem" she stated back at him as she walked away with her friend.

-in the taxi on his way to see Sangwoo-

Oh my god..... my heart is beating so fast.....I don't know what to say to him......
"Okay sir we've arrived at your destination, the total cost would be $13.48." Bum proceeds to give him the $20 and receives the change. And as soon as he steps out of the car, the large amount of protesters outside the hospital caught him off guard. "WHY DOES A SERIAL KILLER GET A PRIVATE ROOM WITH SURGERY PRIORITY WHEN MY DAUGHTER'S BEEN WAITING FOR SURGERY FOR WEEKS." said protester #1. "JUST LET HIM DIE!" "DONT GIVE PRIORITY TO A KILLER!"
Listening, Bum was heart broken. Although he knew that what Sangwoo had been doing was wrong, he just couldn't get over the fact that he had no amount of hate or doubt for his love towards his abductor.

Bum walks into the hospital frantically and asks the front desk which room patient Oh Sangwoo is in. "Okay hold on one moment let me check up on that for you...........ah, he's in room 301. You can take the elevator on your right." "Ah, t-thank you."

Bum makes it to the 3rd floor and finds room 301.

But as he's walking towards the door...... he hears a voice. A voice full of sadness and grief . A voice desperately groaning HIS name. "Bum.....Bumm....Bum."
His eyes widened as he starts picking up the pace to the door of the room in which the sound is coming from. But as he grabbed onto the door handle, he hears another voice. A loud, arrogant and annoyed voice. "shut up ..SHUT UP I SAID SHUT UP!" Hearing this, Bum frantically runs into the room to find an old woman in a patient's gown holding a pillow on top of Sangwoo's face.

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