Yeji.... I'm sorry you're caught in the middle of all this - Ryujin said
All what ? Yeji ask confused
My life . My engagement . My .... desire . It's lit fair for me to put you through this .... not when I can't give you everything you deserve - Ryujin said sad

Ryujin reaches out to gently cup yeji cheek , her thumb grazing  the corner of yeji mouth.

But I can't seem to stay away-Ryujin said
What if you are what I deserve ?- yeji ask

Yeji can barely focus on anything other than how much yeji wish she'd just kiss her .

You have no idea how much I wish I'd met you first- Ryujin said sad
Ryujin it's doenst matter . We'll figure it hot . I'm not going anywhere . Not after finding you- yeji said
Really? You'll wait ?- Ryujin ask suprised
Yeji nods leaning into her touch.
Forever and never ... although I'd really rather we work something out sooner than that- yeji said smilling
Me too. I will find us a clean way out of this mess . I promise -Ryujin said happy

Yeji nod not sure if she believe her yet , but certain that she believe what she saying .

For now , though , let's just enjoy each other company? For one childfree day ?- Ryujin said
Deal- yeji said

Yeji finish her lunch on the rooftop together , chatting idly and trying ticfirget how much trouble she is in.

After lunch , ryujin Take yeji in a tour of the labs.

This is where the magic happens. The prototypes , the formula , the fistfights over whose name goes first on the patent - Ryujin
I can picture it now-yeji said

Ryujin leas yeji ti a table with several piece of hardware yehi never seen , including  a set of miniature robotic arms.

This is my favorite part of our new line . Granted , it's got some kinks to work out. Ryujin slips on a pair of snug beige rubber gloves and clenched her fits . The tiny robotic. Arms on the table clench their fist too.

Whoa . I can't decide if you're a mad scientist... or I the tiny robot is too cute for word - yeji said
Are those the only options - Ryujin said
Cute or crazy ? More often than you'd think/ yeji said

Ryujin show off some of the other feature of the miniature robot , but nothing captures yeji attention like her .

I've never seen you so passionate-yeji said
Oh, I'm not sure about that. You've  seen me plenty passionate -Ryujin said
I meant about your job- yeji said
I do love a good experiment . And as messy as it can be , I'm glad that's a trait I passed down to the boys -Ryujin said happy
So, if you're in line for a promotion to CEO... will you have to leave all this? The lab?- yeji ask

Ryujin eyes grow distant, and she slowly peels the glove off .

Unfortunately , yes ... I'm not looking forward to that part , but I've been waiting to lead enterprise for a long time It my namesake . Even if it nota easy to let g of what I love ... sometime you have to-Ryujin said

Yeji leans back against one of the empty lab stations , taking in Ryujin every reaction . Her eyes full of hurt watch yeji longingly.

Why is your dad hanging on to the tittle of CEP, anyway? Her not gene here today - yeji ask
He's easing his way into retirement, but it's hard for him to let go ... especially given my so- called wil youth before the boys . And the as a window , I think he saw me as a liability . Too fragile adrift. It taken son long to finally eran his trust , probe to him that I'm  a reliable women - Ryujin said

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