1:Starting anew and Soda

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-Hello people! I really don't know what to say.... How do people do this!?(Duhhh you type)..... Anyways, the title is a bit strange I know, but bare with me here, I'm bare-ly making it....ok nevermind, don't mind me, but I hope you enjoy this chapter!- Byee♥

Chapter 1:Starting anew and Soda

-----I'm never alone----

"Jova! Are you almost done?"
What was that noise? A muffled cry rang in my ears as I stirred in my sleep. I ignored it thinking it was my imagination. However I heard the same cry. It came again and again, each time getting louder.

In a horrible attempt to answer I lifted my head and instead of an answer, a croak like sound came tumbling out. My vision was limited, seeing dark shapes surround me through slit eyes. Only a dimmed light shone from a seafoam cased laptop.

Suddenly, a door flew open and someone hurried in along with beams of light with them. The light hits my eyes, causing me to squint even further.

"Are you kidding?" A woman said with a shocked face.
"Hmm?" I managed to mumble.

The woman put both hands on her hips with pursed lips and had a disappointed expression. Was that towards me or...?

"Don't hmm me, did you forget we're moving today?" She asked

I cocked my head. "I thought we already moved yesterday?"

She started tapping her foot aggressively, clearly getting impatient.
"You didn't even finish packing yet" She yelled as her hands flew up to the air, and fell to her side.

Ohhh...that's what I was dreaming about. Wait... If we didn't move yet then does that mean I've missed my chance?! I hurriedly stumbled out of bed and fell unto the ground with a thud. Tell me it's not too late. Tell me-!

"What's going on..."
A man came into the room. He abruptly stopped his sentence once he saw the woman's expression. He turned on his heel and he was no longer there.

A dangerous situation to be in, indeed. I picked myself up and rushed to say hello, but I yawned. With a smile plastered on my face,I inched backwards as I greeted her.

"Good morning Mom"

She sighed letting some frustration go. Mom calmed down a bit, but I could see her serious demeanor never left.

"Good morning Jova. You have to get ready in Thirty minutes, eat breakfast then get in the car. You still have to decide on your classes." My mother said.
I perked up more to the fact we were still moving.

She grabbed a large suitcase out my closet, and gave me a kiss on my forehead, before she headed out.

Thirty minutes, thirty minutes, I kept repeating in my head. I grinned to myself. I could do it in 15 minutes

First things first. I shut my eyes and prayed.

'Heavenly Father thank you for another night and this morning. Because of you I woke up into another day. Thank you for your protection...'

Unfortunately, it felt rushed, and like a morning routine that I was obligated to do. I told myself that it wasn't, but time and time again, I was proven wrong by how I was rushing. I sighed and tried to speak from the heart, but in the end the time was on my mind instead.

"I pray that you guide me and lead me through the day. Thank you for this new day. In Jesus name, Amen."

I opened my eyes having light fill them again and quickly went to the bathroom. I've got to wake up earlier, or just sleep earlier.... One or the other. 12 minutes left according to my time.


Right after I zipped the suitcase, I hired to finish breakfast Mom had left. The house was empty with a few unneeded boxes lying around.

In my room, I stuffed my laptop into my backpack, along with my Bible, phone with headphones, a few snacks and two Pr.Peps sodas. I grabbed my suitcase. While heading out, I paused at the door. I'm leaving. I've been waiting for this day, yet, there was a heavy feeling on my chest. All the memories came flooding back and loud thumpy invaded my ears. When I shut the front door, the feeling never left. Why must I feel this way? I know I won't miss the memories. Even the good ones...

...40 minutes. Maybe I overestimated myself a little bit. I can see an anxious look on my mother's face grew as my dad tried to comfort her. She slapped his hands away and my dad frowned. Hehe, you don't mess with a grumpy mom. I laughed to myself. My parents are amazing people. Both funny, one serious and the other understanding.

I came stolling up to my dad's pickup truck.

"Hey there Jo." My dad said. His face beamed and my moms face lifted. We got into the car and I waved my house....old house goodbye.

Mom turned around from the front seat to face me.

"Do you have everything you need?" She asked.

The question slowly sank in. I unzipped my bad and rummaged through it.

"What? Are you missing something" Mom asked frantically.
At first I didn't answer,but eventually put a hand over my heart, sinking into the seat. It's here.

I nod with a smile to my mom, but she didn't turn yet. I pulled out a bottle of Pr.Peps.
"Don't worry, I didn't forget this." I beamed, grinning. My mom shakes her head and turns around as I drank my soda.
Afterwards, I put my headphones in, having the volume up high. Soon I began drifting to sleep, as the 15th song ended. My eyes were shut, but I wasn't quite asleep yet.

My ears perked up as my mom whispered.

"I don't know Ben, I just hope..." She paused. I stiffened a bit, hoping she didn't know I was awake. She didn't however and kept going.
"I just hope she'll be okay."
"She's a strong lad. She'll be alright..." My dad muttered

I shifted a bit, fixing my head onto the car door. I hope so too dad. Music played after the ads. Never Alone by Tori Kelly invaded my head. I smiled to myself. That's right, I'm not alone. I do have God by my side, everywhere I go. In the good times and in the harsh times. With that thought, new city here we come.


(Joshua 1:9 NLT) " This is my command-be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." (Joshua 1:9 NLT)

Hello! Glad you made it this far. If you have any suggestions, complaints or comments I'm here! Please be respectful 👌 Check out the challenge below, I know I have this problem of sometimes rushing prayers. To learn more about the gospel, Jesus and love, take a look at finding truth. Thanks for reading, I appreciate it. See you next time(Hopefully😊)

Challenge: Take some time out of your day to pray to God. Whether it be on your knees or not, prayer brings you closer to the LORD. Pray truthfully/honestly. You can talk to him about all things. Also, It doesn't have to be a detailed prayer, and it would be cool to find an isolated place(Bring your bible, Make tea or coffee, bring a snack,) Make it fun, but truthful! Careful not to drop any crumbs!

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