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"So Randy," Kelly put her elbows on the table leaning forward with her fists together under her chin.

"Can we go to the mall in a little? We dont have check rehearsals until five." She pleaded.

Randy stared at her blank then turned his head to Kayla and I.

"Are you sure you wanna go? Its only gonna be me there. The other guys are at the staples center getting things prepared." He told us.

"Well whose the one that told them to do that?" I muttered to him.

He rolled his eyes at me, "they were low on guys to help with the stage."

We laughed, "and you used our security guards to help?" Kayla asked.

"Yes. Now I'll let you guys go to the mall for a couple hours and we're going back to the Staples. Alright?"

We all nodded our head and starting to munch on our food.

When we pulled up the mall, parking the SUV it didn't look packed.

"I'm getting new sunglasses." Kayla said.

"I'm getting new boots" Kelly also said.

I rolled my eyes at them. That's what they always vet when we go to the mall.

"I'm getting a new wallet" I told them.

They smiled, "at least your buying something this time." Kayla said stepping put of the car while we all did.

I turned the corner of the car, meeting another person that turned from there car.

My head banged against theres, "ow dude what the fuck?" I rubbed my head looking at the person that I collided with.

"Oh hey your that girl that was on Ellen today right?" The boy asked.

I nodded my head, "and you're the boy that takes long shits making me late to my interview" I raised an eyebrow.

He nodded his head, "it was the food. And I'm Ashton" he said.

"I know. You told me" I rolled my eyes.

A cough was sounded behind me making me move sideways showing my friends and bodyguard.

"Oh shut up. You guys are gonna buy the same shit. Big whoop. And besides, now you guys can talk to someone while your shopping" I said sarcastically at the end.

The two girls laughed and Randy smirked.

"I'm Kelly and that's Kayla. I guess you know kasey who is know to be bitchy 24/7." Kelly introduces.

"Butthole" I mutter flipping her off.

"Aww you're so sweet Kas. Right back to you" Kelly gave me the bird.

"I'm Ashton and these are my lads; Michael, Calum, and Luke." They all waved.

"How do you guys know eachohter?" Michael asked.

"When I had an interview I had to pee and this butthole took two years to take a shit." I held my hand up towards look.

He nodded his head, "oh and that's our body gaurd Paul" Ashton put his arm around a big bulky guy.

"Randy" I pointed to the only guy behind me.

I turned to Randy, "seems like you have a new buddy to talk to" I winked making him laugh.

"Calm down princess, you dont want to get your hopes up." Randy said.

"Princess? Do you remember last time you called me prince- oh look my phone. Why dont I show the pictures of you with dicks all over your face?" I suggested.

"What? You put a penis on him?" Ashton asked.

I shook my head, "nope. He called me princess, so that when he was asleep I got a sharpie and drew a penis on his head. Than spilled water all over him." I told him.

"Harsh" the tall Blondie finally spoke.

"Not really, the girls helped." I shrugged.

"Now come on my feet are gonna hurt from standing to long" Kayla said walking ahead of us.

I walk next to Randy nudging him in the side. "And you call me princess" I scoffed.

When I started walking a bit slower someone nudged me in my side this time.

"I'm Calum Hood. I wanted to introduce myself properly." He said holding his hand out.

"Kasey Moore" I shook his big hand.

"So, is it fun playing the drums and singing?" Calum asked.

"How did -how did you know I played the drums?" I asked eyes wide.

"I like your band. We did a recording of one of your songs when we were younger." He said.

I nodded my head not knowing what to say.

"So do you play gutair?" He asked after a while.

"A little Kayla is teaching me how to play if I teacher her how to do the drums" I told him.

He nodded his head, "you know I could help teach you too?" He smirked than winked.

I shook my head, of course he's flirting. He's a celebrity. Most flirt their asses off to go on a date with someone just to get more buzz for the internet.

"Nope I'm fine"

"Hmm well, do you want to do go out with me tonight?" Calum asked.

And what the hell did I just say? They go on dates for the internet.

I shook my head again, "I can't I have a concert." I told him.

"Oh yeah. How about tomorrow night? Dinner?" He asked.

"Nope, I have to- never mind I'm just dont want to" I shrugged.

His smile fell, "and why is that?" He asked.

"J dont want to go on a date with a celebrity. It always ends the same." I told him.

Its true, every time I went on a date the guys were all the same.

They either wanted sex or they wanted it for fame.

"Well come on, its gonna be fun. Why not give it a chance?" He asked with pleading eyes.

I rolled mine at him. "Fine. I'll go on a date with you."

He smiled, "and by the way, the guys and I are going to your concert tonight. I just remembered that Michael got us tickets"

I nodded my head, "you sound like a stalker" I smiled.

He shook his head, "I'm not. We just like your band." He admitted.

I nodded again for the hundredth time. "Well okay than. I'm gonna catch up with Kelly and the other bitch that I forgot the name of" I muttered.

"Kayla?" He asked.

"That's the name, I always forget which ones which." I told him about to walk away.

"Wait. Can I have your number?" He asked.

I huffed "give me your phone and I'll give you mine"

I gave him mine while he gave me his.

I put my number in and the name #drummergirl

I handed his phone back to him while I got mine.

I gave him a quick nod before walking towards the two buttholes that ruined my life in a good way.

Truth (Calum Hood)Where stories live. Discover now