Steven's Other Human Friends who deserved more spotlight

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I was talking to a friend on Discord about this:

For the entire series we were led to believe that Connie was Steven's only gateway to his humanity or living like a normal human.

However, I believe there were far more better options simply due to the fact that Connie was NOT the only human Steven interacted with.

Honestly?  I really wish Peedee and Lars were two of his friends rather than Connie.

Both had a more realistic look on the world and would have done Steven some good to learn from them


Connie treated her involvement in Steven's life like a fantasy book where she was the hero and Steven was the sidekick(even though it was HIM who did all the work).

Peedee and Ronaldo may be annoying and hell, Kevin may be a shitheel, but damned if they couldn't be redeemed and been like human mentors/friends to Steven.

And Lars did more in one episode than Connie did in 5 seasons.

In my opinion,
Kevin, Ronaldo, Peedee and Lars had the most realism as human characters:

Kevin:The jerk who thinks he's better than everyone else.

Ronaldo:The annoying anime/otaku friend who always nerds out.

Lars:The friend who hides his insecurities by trying to act tough.

But what do you think?










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