Chapter 2-Part 2

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Adam's POV
"I do." I turned on the TV and switched through the channels, skipping all the really shitty ones, like Gossip Girls. Ugh, they overact WAY too much. (sorry to all the gossip girls fans. i dont HATE gossip girls, but i think they overact, like adam said.) "Football?" I asked.

"Football," Ty answered. I looked through the channel guide and then found football.

"Is this okay?" I clicked on the Louisiana State vs. Dallas Cowboys. I knew who would win.

"Yeah, this is gonna be gooood."
Time skip (Ty's POV)
Adam must've moved over to where I was sitting because I woke up with my head on his lap. Oh, embarrassing. I looked up to see Adam still watching football, this time Alabama vs. Auburn. He hasn't noticed me yet, so I pretended I was still asleep. This was the moment. It's either now or never. Or maybe later in my life. Anyway, either I pretend to dream of him, or I kiss him on the spot. I think dreaming about him is safer.

"Mmmmh, Sky...." I sleepily moaned. He looked down at me, where I was slightly moving uncomfortably, and then he chuckled.

"Must be dreaming about me." Perfect. Now it's going smoothly. I wrap my arms around his legs slowly without him knowing I was awake and doing all this on purpose.

He must've noticed because he was shifting. It seemed like he was being careful, or maybe he still thought I was asleep? I don't know. We'll have to see.
Time skip
Did I actually fall asleep? Oh well, doesn't matter. It's 2 AM so I should stay the night. It looks like Sky went to his room and left me a note. I opened it and it read,

I've gone to bed. You can stay the night if you want, whatever you'd like. In case you haven't gotten it, here's my phone number: ---.---.----.
P.S. You're adorable when you sleep talk.

D-did he just write th-that? I'm adorable?? I was dumbfounded and tired, not a very great mix. I guess. Anyway, I got up to get myself a beer, and then I noticed something. M-my... shirt? Not on?? Shirt??? Where art thou???? What????? Shit, what happened?

I tiptoed over to the couch where I had fallen asleep, yet my shirt still wasn't there.... Two possibilities. Either Sky or sleeptakingoffshirt. Most likely Sky. I went over to his room silently and opened the door. Asleep, but shirt nowhere to be found. Where the hell was it? I was only asleep for a couple hours, nothing huge could've happened! Maybe it's in the bathroom? A chair? It couldn't have gone that far.

I checked the chairs and then the bathroom, which I had finally found it. Why there? Had I done something and not remember doing it? I put on my shirt and glanced at the mirror-but I immediately stopped at the sight of a red mark. On my neck.

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