1 - "Luke. Luke Hemmings"

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I looked around and saw my best friend, Calum. His long, tan arms are gesturing me to where he was sitting. I walked past a group of a few drunken girls, all wearing very small, revealing clothing.

"Luke, mate!" Calum cried out, and threw an arm around my shoulders. His shout caused a lot of unnecessary attention to be brought to us. Once everyone realized who was being referred to, they all returned to whatever activity they were doing.

"What's up, man? Shit, I can't believe you actually came," he remarked. I could smell the liquor in his breath.

"Yeah, I can't either," I admitted.

I was already ready to leave. I never should have went. What was the point? Why was I there, seeing all the people that had made my life miserable since freshman year? All except Calum, of course.

Calum had been my partner in crime since the seventh grade, when I had a crush on his sister, which ended with him punching me in the nose. Needless to say, two guys can become pretty close when in detention together. After that day, I gained a best friend. I also learned to find out who a girl is related to before hitting on her.

After discussing his recent hook up with someone that wasn't his girlfriend, a friend of Calum's approached us. I recognized him from the very few classes we had together. I wouldn't have been surprised if he only walked over there to ask Calum why he still hung out with the psychotic guy. Contrary to my expectations, he only begins a conversation about football scholarships and where they were going after high school. I didn't pay attention to their discussion, until I heard my name coming out of Calum's mouth.

"Yeah, Luke here is going to be a musician," He announced. I smiled at the guy a little. I didn't exactly recall his name. He glanced over at me, giving me a look indicating he didn't notice me standing there. Maybe he did, but just decided to pretend he hadn't.

"A musician? Really? That's interesting. What do you do? Musically, I mean," The fact that he actually began a conversation with me was enough to make me understand why I showed up. I was still hoping my classmates would change their minds about me if they saw me out and about.

"I, uh, I play guitar and sing a little," I choked out.

Playing guitar was always my favorite pastime, but I was never open about it and never considered myself that great. No one ever heard me sing or play, because I simply didn't want them to. It wasn't until I was sent away for a year, when I got bad, that my mom went through my room and found my CD's I had made of myself doing covers of songs.

I was taken away so suddenly, I couldn't take my guitar with me. Not being able to play was probably what made recovery even harder to follow through with. When she played the CD's of me singing and playing random songs, she was amazed. Ever since I'd been home, she had wanted me to pursue a career with music.

"That's actually really cool, dude. I'm Jonathan, by the way. I know we have some classes together but we were never properly introduced. You're Dave, right?"

"It's, um, Luke," I correct him. I then accepted his handshake. I know it shouldn't be a good thing that he didn't remember my name, but I didn't remember his either. In any case, he knew it now and even recognized me from class.

Calum soon dismissed the awkwardness by beginning a conversation, between all three of us this time. Before long, we were cut off by the sound of glass shattering. Everyone got silent, and turned to look. When we did, we see what had happened.

A tall brunette, who we all knew the name of all too well, had gotten a beer glass thrown at her. I realized that Calum's girlfriend, Mindy, had thrown it and missed her by about 6 inches. Leona Johnson stood in astonishment. Mindy yelled out some profanities to Leona, calling her names I didn't even know people actually said to other people. Even through the loud shouts, I could hear a smaller, sweet voice calling out to Mindy. When the frantic brunette got to where all the action was, I instantly recognized her face. I never quite remembered her name, though.

"Mindy, Mindy, calm down!" She ran up to Mindy and whispered to her. Whatever this girl - Jenny? Jessie? - had said to her, worked. Soon enough, they finally turned to leave. While making her departure, the light reflected on the tears on Mindy's face.

"I'm just saying, you have no right to be pissed at me. Calum came on to me so obviously I have something he wants that you don't have," Leona calls out from behind her. "I believe the thing he's looking for is class," she remarks. She slyly turns her head to look at the people around her and smirks. I soon realized that they were fighting over my best friend. Oh my God. The girl Calum said he hooked up with was Leona Johnson? No way, I thought, how did Calum get with the most popular girl in this school?

Mindy stops her speed walk out of the building and slowly turns around, gritting her teeth. The girl that calmed her down before tried to hold her back, but Mindy aggressively approached Leona, pointing a finger in her face.

"If Calum wants someone with class, then he sure as hell does not want you. There is absolutely nothing classy about sleeping with someone else's boyfriend," With that said, she shook her head and ran out. I could tell her sobbing increased after she left. The cute brunette chased after her, calling her name.

Jacey's POV

It took about 45 minutes to convince Mindy that we had to go back to that party. I knew she was upset and humiliated and anything in between, and I wasn't really in the mood to party either. I actually hated high school parties after Ashton took me to several frat parties. But in this particular situation I couldn't let her leave there with Leona thinking she won by running Mindy out. Mindy was my absolute best friend and to see her this hurt equally hurt and infuriated me.

We had only been back at the party for twenty minutes when I saw someone I recognized. Of course I only saw him from behind but my stomach fell to my feet.

"Hey, uh, Mindy. I'll be right back, give me a sec," I said while going to speak to someone I haven't seen in seven months. I began pushing through the crowd and the closer I got to the tall boy with beautiful golden locks, the more nervous I got. Finally, when I was right behind him, I called his name.

"Mason?" I called. It was strange hearing my ex-boyfriend's brother's name come out of my mouth. It was even stranger when he turned around, and I made eye contact with someone who was not Mason Irwin. I gasped when I realized that I had totally mistaken the boy in front of me.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry! I thought you were someone else!" I apologized, feeling my cheeks turn red at the whole situation. When he smiled, I felt better and instantly laughed lightly. To make eye contact with him, I had to look up. He had to be like 8 feet tall!

"No, it's okay," he mumbled hesitantly. I kept smiling at him, and just to make my life slightly less awkward I decided to drag out a conversation.

"So," I began, "we've established that your name is not Mason. So in that case, what is your name?" I casually asked. He just looked down at me.

"I'm Luke, Luke Hemmings,"

(a/n lol ok i know this literally has sucked so far and made no sense and you're probably like wtf did i even just read but it'll come together soon just stick around!!

also i feel the need to clarify that obviously i know ashton doesn't have a brother named mason that looks like luke but its for the story sake ok. like I said I promise this will get better.

last thing!! I swear this is not going to be cliché omg he's not going to show up at her door with 11 real roses and 1 fake one or anything like that. i'm really excited about this so just bear with me)

half a heart. // lhUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum