9. New Neighbours ***

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New Neighbours

Omegle FF ( I wrote this with someone of Omegle. I'd give her credit but I can't :/) here goes.

Half way through it gets really weird and BDSMish. (But I don't know what BDSM is so help me is it like bondage or something?) anyway yup. Here it actually goes.

I'm really disappointed in this btw

Ok start.

Niall walked to his front lawn, he stepped out the house and on to the porch, the smell of freshly cut grass and flowers filled his nose. He proceeded to the hose deciding it would be a excellent time to water the grass.

He twisted the knob and water shot out as he looked up to see the most beautiful guy he had ever laid eyes upon.

You: Distracted he didn't notice the water soak his chinos as he just stared at the Beauty before him.

"Erm hi, I'm Zayn. Your new neighbour." He stuck out his hand for a shake

Stranger: Niall stared wide eyed, Zayn was just too perfect his dark hair and chizeled features were too beautiful. Niall stuttered for words. "I-I'm N-Ni-Niall.", he replied nervously. Niall quickly realized what he did and blushed with embarrassment.

"I'm so sorry!", he cried out.

Zayn laughed looking down at his -now dripping- legs.

"It's alright mate, I just came round to introduce myself to the neighbours. Id probably do the same if I was distracted."

Distracted, Niall thought. This boy in front of him was definitely a distraction. He didn't realise he was staring again till Zayn cleared his throat.

"Sorry", repeated Niall. He gave a shy smile and shook Zayn's hand.

"I'm Niall welcome to the neighborhood." As he uttered the words he couldn't help but admire how soft Zayn's skin felt against his, he looked off to the side to avoding anymore staring.

He couldn't help it Zayn was cute.

Niall swallowed

"So, what brings you here?"

"Just some... problems back in Bradford. They're not very accepting over there." Zayn shrugged as Niall nodded only taking in about half the words he said stunned with how gracefull Zayns mouth formed each of his words.

"Nice house." He was pulled out if his trance. "What?" Zayn pointed up to his house.

"I bet it's at least four bedrooms. Is it only you?"

"Yea it just me... Alone, I have the same problem with acceptance between my family and friends." replied Niall. -WAIT- he thought to himself, what did Zayn mean by acceptance, was he gay like Niall? No, the really cute ones never are. Niall shook his head to snap out his thoughts.

"Would you like to come in to dry off, I'll get you a towel.", offered Niall. The whole time Niall eyed his dripping chinos, he was able to see Zayn's underwear -and other things- clearly.

"Sure! But you're gonna have to stay close, I don't wanna get lost in your mansion." Zayn joked as Niall led him to one of the spare rooms.

"There's an En-suite in there and ill be back with like... erm--" Niall lost his train of thought as Zayn took of his trousers. His white Calvin Kleins were also soaked. Niall was lost for words

"W-With uhmm, you know your coc-CHINOS! Your chinos.", Niall gave a nervous laugh trying to play off his mistake hoping Zayn would not notice. He grab Zayn's garments.

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