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Third person point of view:

"I'm sorry sir but you didn't qualify for this job" a girl said while rolling her eyes and staring at the young male in front of her. "But I have studied painting for 3 years isn't that enough?" A very desperate boy said while sighing deeply. "Listen kid your drawings weren't good enough so please leave or I'll call security" the girl said sassily as jongho glared at her before leaving the building. 

First person point of view: name is Choi jongho I have been looking for a job ever since I got fired for "exaggerating" my vocal skills during my vocal lessons, yes I taught some kids how to sing. but my boss thought that I was trying to show off so he fired me and now I have been living with my best friend wooyoung. but I can't keep living with him forever so I'm trying to find a new job. I've already signed up for 6 jobs and all of them rejected me with same thing "you're not qualified for this job" at least I've got wooyoung by my side...I would've given up a long time ago if his loud self wasn't with me.

Third person point of view:

Jongho was walking back to wooyoung's house until he heard some loud music blasting across the street. it wasn't that far away from him, it seemed to be a modeling contest since their was a long stage but he always found these things boring so he decided to leave but then as he was about to walk away he saw a gorgeous boy walk on the stage, his blonde hair flowing perfectly and his lips pink and soft it really intrigued jongho.

Yeosang's point of view:

Once again I'm on this stage with a bunch of thirsty men and women staring at me like if they haven't eaten in a year and they finally got food but of course I'm used to name is Kang yeosang I'm quite famous for my modeling career but for some reason I'm not enjoying this life...

it's so quiet and boring of course I still have my dear besties San and seonghwa they're also models and they support me but it's still boring it feels like there's something missing and no matter what I do I can't find it, I stop in the middle of the stage and pose before looking forward and there he was a handsome boy looking at me I almost passed out, his eyes were sparkling and his mouth was slightly open and I knew that he was the one I needed...he's going to make my life better I can feel it.

10 years before:

"Sangie!! Look what I made for you!" Jongho said before showing his a flower that he made out of paper. "It's really pretty jongie" yeosang said while admiring it. "You're prettier sangie" jongho said and gave him a small necklace. "Wear this forever okay? So if we go our separate ways you'll never forget me" jongho said and put it on him with a smile. "If we ever part ways I know we'll meet again because we have the greatest love for each other and no one can beat it" yeosang said as he held jongho's hand tightly.

San's point of view:

What the fuck is yeosang doing?!! He literally froze in the middle of the stage...he never ever gets panick attacks or anxiety so what is wrong with him?! What is he looking at is it that important that he had to freeze in front of everyone.

Seonghwa's point of view:

Yeosang is very calm and confident when he's walking down the stage but he froze for some unknown reason and I start to feel worried should I got out and help him? Oh no yeosangie what are you doing?

Yeosang's point of view:

Oh no I'm in the middle of the stage....I got distracted but I tried to play it off, I'm going to get killed when I get off.

Third person point of view:

Yeosang starts walking again as he reached the end of the stage and posing before quickly walking behind the stage.

Jongho's point of view:

What was that? Why did he stare at me like that? Why do I feel so happy? Why do I have so many questions? Ughh I should just forget about it and go home.

Third person point of view:

Jongho quickly escapes and walks back home while yeosang is getting attacked with questions from his friends and his manger. "I don't feel like answering right just let me be...I will take the responsibility" yeosang said as San gave him a questioning look.

"What or who were you looking at?" San asked curiously while raising a brow. "I said I don't feel like answering right now" yeosang said while looking down at his hands. "He definitely likes someone" San told seonghwa before going out to the stage since it was his turn. "Listen can like whoever you want but be careful with distracting yourself on stage...your father wouldn't like it so be careful okay?" Seonghwa said and yeosang nodded softly before hugging him tightly.

"I'll go change now" seonghwa said before going to the changing room. "The boy I need to find out who he is!!" Yeosang says and quickly walks out and looks around as he didn't find who he was looking for. "No...I have to find him.." yeosang was about to go backstage again until his was swarmed with reporters.

"Why did you freeze Mr. Kang did you start developing anxiety problems?!" One reporter asked as yeosang backed away slowly.
"Do you have a secret illness that we don't know about?!" Another one asked before the securities came and quickly pushed them away but before they all were moved one more asked something. "Is the famous model gay? Does you like men Mr. Kang?" A reporter asked quite rudely so yeosang looked away and walked backstage without saying anything.

Third person point of view:

Jongho arrives at home and gets in as he saw wooyoung sleeping peacefully and hugging a pillow. "I should throw a picture and tease him later" he mumbled to himself before taking two photos and saving them. "What a cute friend" he chuckled and walked to his room as he immediately laid down and thought about what had happened to him. "I shouldn't be thinking of him...but why does he seem familiar maybe I've seen him before" he said and closed his eyes drifting off to sleep with a smile when he thought of the boy.

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