Chapter 1

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Hi, my name is Kevin, and I love to code. All I want is to have a good life and not end up poor and begging on the street; that's basically all I think about. But nobody cares. I'm just a tall, lean, fourteen-year-old American boy with dark brown hair. And I'm not too popular. So you could say my life sort of sucks. Not to mention my parents keep screaming, "God, God, God" in my ears. It's not like I don't believe in God, I guess it's just that I don't take him too seriously. I'm sure you (dear reader) are probably dozing off right now. Don't worry; I'm used to it; that's what happens anytime I talk to someone.

Here's how my typical conversation goes:


"Hi, Kevin."

"How are you?"

"Fine. And you?"

"I'm great!"

"That's good!"



*Person slowly leaves...*

Well now you know me! You've read this far so I will assume you have at least the faintest interest in my tedious life. I appreciate that. Might as well get started!

It's three o'clock in the morning. I was peacefully sleeping until I hear a banging of the door downstairs. Immediately, I wake up to check it out. But as soon as I get out of my bed, I realize that I'm actually too scared to check it out alone. I can't call my sister because she'll just call me a wuss and go back to sleep. My parents would just tell me that I should be a man. I'm on my own.

Out of fear, I decide not to check it out and hope that nobody is there. Maybe I should pray to God. Great idea . . . if I knew how to pray. Embarrassing, I know.

The door keeps banging, so I assume it's just the wind. I try to go back to sleep, but I'm just too scared. Although I have concluded that it is just the wind, my body is still reacting as if it's a burglar downstairs! Sleep! Sleep! Sleep!

It's six o'clock, and the door is still banging. I did not sleep. Thankfully, it's a Saturday so there's no school to be late for.

Plans for today:




What I want my plans for today to be:

Hang out with Monica

Hang out with Monica

Hang out with Monica

You see, Monica is this girl in my class. To me, she is the most beautiful creature I've ever seen walk on this earth. With her coconut skin, lovely eyes, and her hair! I could write a four thousand-word essay on Monica's hair for the rest of my life! The problem is, she's sort of popular so a guy like me would never - EVER - have a chance with her. Plus, there's a possibility she has a crush on Chad, my best friend (mainly because he's one of my only friends).

My parents always told me not to get involved with girls, especially at this age. They said that girls would distract me bla bla bla. I know it's a sin to disobey your parents and all but, Monica . . . I can't even describe her. But enough of my fantasies . . .

I get up to shower and get dressed (I don't know what I'm dressing for. It's not like I'm actually going to hang out with anybody). My parents knock on my door and tell me it's time for family devotion.

I head on downstairs to meet my parents and Charlotte, my really messed up sister, sitting down about to open the Bible.

"Good morning, Kevin!" My parents greet me with a warm smile.

"Good morning, mom. Good morning, dad." I reply. Apparently, they don't like it when I say "Hi" to them. Why can't they just be normal?

We start off by praying and giving thanks to God. After, we then read the Bible.

"Genesis eleven, verse six." Dad says.

I think that has to do with the Tower of Babylon. Yeah, so I actually read the Bible. Surprising? Problem is that I can't seem to wrap myself around it. If I was given a choice to hang out with people at the mall or go for a church program or something, I'd go to the mall.

At last, devotion is over and Charlotte and I try to escape into our own different worlds. But our parents won't have that!

"Just where are you two going?" Dad stops us just as we were about to leave.

"Um..." Charlotte musters as she's trying to think of something.

I say my usual excuse, "I'm going to code and read some factual articles on the Internet."

The bit about factual articles is just something to say that would make it look like you're actually doing something meaningful in your life. At least, that's how my parents view it.

My sister rolls her eyes, "Factual articles. Pfft."

"Why don't you two just sit with your old folks and have some family time?" My mum suggests. "Just the four of us. We could even Skype Paul and have a full family meeting!"

This is the time I use the toilet excuse.

I start acting like something unpleasant just happened to me and say, "Oh! I think I need to use the toilet!"

Before getting an answer, I quickly run to my toilet upstairs. Phew, safe for now; Charlotte is on her own. Usually, Charlotte and I don't get along. And she doesn't get along with our parents. She's Goth (which our parents don't like), she's always dating around with guys (which our parents don't like), she has nose and ear piercings (which my parents don't like), she dyed part of her hair purple three months ago (which my parents still don't like), and not to mention she has this clique with all her other Goth friends (who my parents definitely don't like! And I really don't like them either). Oh well, my parents still believe that "Jesus can save you; it's not too late to give your life to him" and all that.

I feel like I've spent enough time up here; I decide to finally get back downstairs. I walk down the stairs to find my sister opening the door to two of her Goth friends. Great, just the ones i love (hate): Tonya and Grace (I don't know how she got that name). Don't get me wrong, I'm not against Goths, but it's just that I don't like my sister's friends at all. They're always messing up the house, spilling Coke cans all over and leaving the cans anywhere they like. I once saw one in the toilet. My toilet. In my room. I hate it when people - especially my sister's friends - go into my room. Another thing is that they come in here as if they own the place. Last Wednesday, I came home from school to find them chilling on the couches watching TV. And the thing is that they were the only people in the house; my sister and parents were out at that time. It's crazy!

"Kevin" Tonya acknowledges me, trying to be cool (not working). Grace doesn't even seem to realize I'm in the room.

I reply, "Hi." Now, will be the time to leave.

My parents don't like the duo either, so they give up on family time and head up to their room - the only place no one can dare intrude.

Her friends enter the kitchen with their muddy shoes, open up the fridge, and take out Coke cans each. I don't want to be present when those two have Coke cans. Bad things happen . . . Spooky!

This is going to be a long Saturday . . . This would be a good time to have friends to hang out at the mall with.

Kevin MasonWhere stories live. Discover now