Chapter 9 - Remember What You Were

Start from the beginning

            “I’m sorry,” Cooper shook his head. “It just feels like there isn’t anyway to win. This guy has been around for so long and he started half the rumors to destroy him. How do we know he didn’t just start me? Maybe I am just a fake story on how to destroy him.”
            “Then why would he be scared?” Marcus countered.

            “Well, why can’t it be both? Why can’t you be made up but also be able to kill him.” Leshanda explained. “You’ve killed a demon before, right? What if Walt can be killed the same way – that any human can do it, but right now you’re the only one that actually has.”

            Cooper looked at Leshanda and it all clicked. It made sense, he could kill demons and that is what Walt was – a demon, just the very first one. Cooper hugged Leshanda then was quickly pushed off her.

            “I am not your mama,” Leshanda stated. “Well, good luck Cooper.”

            “We are done with her.” Cooper said walking towards the door. Marcus grabbed Luna’s head snapping her neck.


            Cooper paced back and fourth in his Hollywood Hills mansion, Marcus sat on the couch following him with his eyes. “This is it,” Coopers’ hand shook. He just got off the phone with his friends and this would be the final push to defeat Red Eyes. Everyone would be in the proper places and James was all set as well. Cooper couldn’t rest, he was too nervous. A cold wind blew in through the broken glass wall, still destroyed from the last time Cooper was here. The sky swirled with dark gray clouds.

            “We’re going to be okay.” Marcus stood up and walked over to Cooper.

            “Marcus, I’ve done things…” Cooper thought about his past two times with Walt. How horrible they were. “And I’m scared, I’m scared for what will happen with all of this. I don’t know if I am going to come out of it alive but if I don’t try the not trying will kill me anyway.”

            Cooper was crying and the soft wounded dove was right in front of Marcus. The werewolf hugged Cooper close, resting his head on top of Cooper’s and feeling Cooper cry into his broad muscled chest.

            “I know I’ve said this before but I’m sorry,” Marcus whispered.

            “Don’t be,” Cooper whispered in between sobs. “I made just as many mistakes, I led you on and it wasn’t right.”

            “Did you really not love me?” Marcus couldn’t help but ask the question that had been tugging on his mind for all his years.

            “I don’t know,” Cooper gripped Marcus’ bicep feeling the strong warm muscle in his palm. He looked up at the wolf and felt just as twisted and dark as the wolf once was. Leshanda’s voice rung in Cooper’s head but also the words Walt said. Cooper had changed and was different but he was exactly who he was supposed to be for the moment. Cooper decided his own story and right now he couldn’t imagine anyone but Marcus holding him. Marcus’ beard had grown and before Cooper knew it the scratchiness of it was rubbing against his face as he kissed the man.

            Marcus lifted Cooper onto his granite counter and kissed him softly. Cooper reached under the white tank top feeling Marcus’ hirsute abs. The muscles tingled on his fingertips and Cooper’s loins were set ablaze as he reached up touching Marcus’ nipple. Marcus’ tongue slid into Cooper’s mouth and his firm hand rested on Cooper’s back.

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