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I walked the halls of Malfoy Manor with purpose, my long dark black dress with tracings of emerald green swirled around me as I prowled.

My steps were quick but hurried as I walked into the drawing room. All the Death Eaters bowed their heads at my presence. I smirked at my love as I walked up to him.

"You are late my darling." Tom's cold voice said.

I smirked more because I knew that he was just putting up a front to the Death Eaters.

"Oh really I didn't even notice." I grinned slyly.

He rolled his eyes at me as I laughed softly as I dropped into my seat right next to Tom. I listened carefully about the plan to kill Harry Potter, adding in advice when needed.

Soon the meeting was finished and Tom dismissed all the Death Eaters to their tasks.

"My queen how I missed you today." He smiled lovingly.

"I missed you too my love." I answered sending him a beautiful smile.

"What would I do without you?" He questioned.

"You'd fail. We all know that." I stated the obvious.

"True, you definitely are the brains to my brawn."

I laughed. A sound Tom loved more than anything in the world.

There was nothing more that he wanted more than for me to laugh and love him. To be his dark queen forever and ever.

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