He wouldn't blame her even him, when Gun said that he's already had a girlfriend he doesn't know what to react so seeing Mild being schock like this makes him wonder
‘ does his face look like this when Gun told me he has a girlfriend? Did he suspected that I like him because of my expression? ’
that's what running on Off's mind right now

Mild is still shock, she can't process what Off had just said to her like Gun has a girlfriend? Like really? Is Off tripping her? But when she look back at Off's face, he looks like he doesn't care at all like he's numb and so used to it.
It takes a few minutes before Mild gains her composure

“ are you sure? ” that is the first sentence she speak out “ like are you really fucking sure that the girl from last night.. ” Mild is doing some gestures that make Off look at her “... Is P'Gun's girlfriend? Like-- what if it's just his friend, well uhm P'Gun has a lot of girl friends that he hang outs with. That's what I assume based on his IG story ” Mild can't clearly think that Gun has a girlfriend, I mean doesn't he like Off? Because the way he looked at her earlier she knows that his eyes was covered with complete jealousy and sadness.

At first, she didn't know if it was possible because Gun's eyes instantly changed its emotions but she's sure that what she saw earlier are sadness and jealousy, so what the heck is Off saying to her?

“ it's his girlfriend. The way he smiles at her ,the way he blush while talking to her and how he is so comfortable being around her ” Off can't hide the bitterness in his voice, it still hurts him

“ but- but I thought P'Gun likes you too? The way he hugs you and he kiss you? Was he just pretending? ” Mild is really confused right now

“ I thought that too but... those kisses? hugs? It's just a normal thing for him. I thought I was special because he do those kind of things to me but everything changes when he told me he has a girlfriend ”

“ when did he tell you? ”

“ you know the time when I broke up with you? And the media gone mad and made an issue? ” Mild just nod, she wouldn't forget that time.

The issue was all over the place and she was so shock when the media fabricated what really happened. She told Off that time that she can clear the false news for him but Off refused he said that the news will surely be gone after some weeks so she didn't need to do something

“ I stay at my condo for weeks and at that time Gun visited me. We talked about the issue and that leds him telling me he has a girlfriend ” Off can just feel the pain when Gun first said that to him like it was just yesterday when Gun told him that “ since then, it hits me those kisses and hugs that he gave to me means nothing to him. He also gave those kind of affection to other people in Grammy the difference is that mine is being recorded and the others are not. I was the only one who thinks that everything he does is special, that I'm special. Maybe I am? but not as special as his girlfriend... and you know what's funny? He didn't even tell me that he is a gay and here I am assuming things on my own ” Off laughed bitterly,

maybe Mild thinks that he's stupid and a delusional person like why would you assume something when that person didn't tell something about it in the first place. Gun being a BL partner for him doesn't mean he's already a gay but why he assume those things? Coz of the kisses? FUCK HIM! he should've been more observant before he jumps into some conclusions.

“ here ” Mild offered a handkerchief but he didn't take it he just look at her confused “ what is that for ”

“ you're crying ” Mild can't help but to feel sorry for Off, the way he speaks earlier you can clearly see that Off is really broken inside. This is the first time that Mild witness Off in this state, if what he said is true that Gun is really not in to him there's no way but to accept it. But she's still not convinced, she still holds with what she saw earlier but for now Off needs someone to vent out his sadness and she's the only one available right now

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