"Don't you dare think that anything is going to happen between you and my sister," he keeps shouting at me.

"You and I both know that your sister and I were put together by the Moon Goddess," I hiss at him, his voice becoming more and more annoying to me.

"The Moon Goddess must have made a mistake by putting my sister with a low-life like you." He spat back. Oh, now he's pissed me off.

I raise my fist in order to deliver another blow when I'm stopped by Alpha Benjamin.

"That is enough! Both of you are acting like children!"

"But father, you've heard the rumors! He's heartless and he rapes women! Do you really want that thing mating with your only daughter?!" Jackson shouts back at his father.

I can feel myself getting angrier and angrier every time words come out of his mouth. I feel myself losing control to my wolf, who believe me, is not a happy camper at the moment.

"I don't rape women! They all happily open their legs for me, just like your pretty little sister will soon enough!"

This obviously struck a chord
with him because as soon as I'm done, he charges at me. "YOU MOTHERFUCKER! WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!"

I easily dodge him and grab his wrist as he runs past me. I twist his arm and bring it around his back. He keeps struggling which only brings my wolf more joy. It doesn't take long before Alpha Benjamin comes and splits us up.

"Both of you stop!" he yells as he pushes us apart. I laugh as Jackson trips and falls to the ground.

"Jackson, take a run!" Alpha Benjamin yells. I can see Jackson hesitating, but finally decides against disobeying his father and Alpha and shifts into his wolf.

I turn and start walking towards the pack house.

"Just where do you think you're going?" Alpha Ben shouts after me.

I turn around and and smirk at him.

"Oh just to visit my mate. I wouldn't want her bed to get cold." I turn back around and continue walking to the pack house, not even bothering to stay and listen to his reply. My beta, Declan whom I completely forgot was there, came up next to me as I was walking. "What the hell was that?" he inquired.

I looked over at him and smiled. "Let's just say, I'm done letting people walk all over me. I'm done playing nice."

He stops walking, but I continue, only thinking about one thing, or rather one specific person.

My cute little mate.

I open the sliding door and step inside. The pack females in the kitchen are all startled by my entrance. I ignore them and follow my mate's scent upto what I assume to be her bedroom. I knock on the door and wait for her to open.

When she finally does, I can see she's been crying. I know I should feel bad because I'm the reason she's crying, but something's distracting me.

She must've changed when she came up here, because she's now in spandex shorts and a low-cut tank top, which is making her look even more delectable. I smirk at her as I push her into the room and lock the door behind me.

It's almost as if I'm a predator hunting his prey. I keep stalking over to her until she's up against the wall that's is opposite the wall. I continue walking to her until our chests are touching. I look in her eyes and I can tell that she's scared. The problem is, my wolf nor myself care. The look in her eyes is doing a great job at turning me on. I place my head at the crook of her neck and I inhale deeply. And let me tell you, she smells as good as she looks. I smile at her as I whisper in her ear.

"My little mate, listen here and listen well. You would do well to be obedient for me. Know that from now on, I will not be tolerating any disrespectful behavior from you, or from your obnoxious family. If you ever walk away from me again, I will chase you down and take you right there and then. My wolf doesn't like the fact that we've done nothing about you walking away a few minutes ago. However, you weren't aware, therefore I'll let it go. But, you pull another stunt like that again, and we'll be mating before we get back to my pack. Understood?" I pull away to see her nodding, tears streaming down her face.

I continue, "You will be a good mate to me. You will address me as 'sir', you will love me, you will bear me heirs, and you will never, and I mean never, leave me. As soon as we return to me pack, we will mate and you will be marked as mine. You will submit to me. Do you understand me?"

She nods.

"Good. Now pack your bags, we are leaving at dawn." She nods again. "Use words mate!"

"Yes sir," she whimpers.

Satisfied, I grab her chin and bring her lips to mine. Her lips are as soft as a rose. I pull away before I go farther. I turn on the heels of my feet and stalk out of the room, slamming the door shut after me. I pause just to hear her heart-wrenching sobs. It hurts me to know that I caused this. I snap myself out of this.

No one will take her away from us, I think to my wolf as I walk off back downstairs.


Hadley's POV:

Why us? I cry to my wolf.

I don't know, she whimpers back, but we need to do as he says and submit.


Hey Guys!

So that happened.....

Idk what happened I had a plan with the chapter, but when I sat down to write, it just wasn't working out.

So yeah...

But hey!

It didn't take me 6 months to update this time!

I'm actually pretty proud of myself because this chapter is 1661 words.

Which compared to the other chapters is pretty good because they're only like 550 words each so...

*sighs* School starts for me again tomorrow and I really am not looking forward to it.

Where I go to school is filled with snobby, rich kids who really don't realize that there are actually other people but them in the world. They just make me tired.

But anywho,




Lots of love,


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