chapter 2 : unexpected appearances

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After having lunch with Jesper, I headed back to the box, the name for our headquarters. The Jabs— our gang, were filled with men, women, boys and girls who lacked the eye for architecture so it wasn't the most comfortable place to settle in, but with a few twitches here and there from me, I was able to make the windows close and the roofs sturdy. Although, the leaks from the roof were exhausting to fix, so we just set a couple of buckets beneath them.

Loud chatter and rowdy laughter could be heard as soon as I was in proximity with the building. I walked across the threshold and the chatter slowly died down. Confusion rose in me as I looked around, wondering as to why everything had abruptly stopped, when I came face to face with Divinity herself.

"Kane, my office, now." Her stern expression was enough to send unease down my spine. Without waiting for any sort of confirmation for me, she turned around and headed downstairs, towards the basement where her office was located. She once said that basements were harder to penetrate, hence her secrets would be safe.

I followed her silently, my head held high despite the worry growing in me. What have I done wrong?

Said question was answered once I had stood in front of Divinity's desk. Divinity was sitting down on her chair, her leg propped up on the table, her hands sifting quickly through a few files. Her posture seemed calm, but her face said otherwise. Her eyes were filled with hidden anger and I could spot a twinge of disappointment as well.

"A little bird told me that you were hanging around with one of Haskell's boys, is that correct?" She finally put the files down and looked at me.

Somehow I was relieved that that had been it, but I knew there was something more to it, "I did not know it wasn't allowed, as long as I don't work for them, right?" I replied to her question with another one, which seemed to irritate her for a second before she regained herself.

"I want you to listen to me very well now. I know you're on the young side and you might not understand whats such a big deal about hanging out with the enemy here, but the impacts of your actions could be catastrophic. If anyone got word that a member of the dregs and a member of the jabs were buddies, the other gangs might think we're doing a partnership, or are working together. We could either be a laughingstock, or a much wanted target. The people that have scores to settle with the dregs, might just come for us too. Do you understand what I'm saying?" She looked at me sternly, her eyes full of razor focus.

"I'm sorry Divinity, I didn't put much thought into it." I mumbled an apology. Truth was, I didn't feel like I had to apologize for my actions, it was one lunch for crying out loud, but I had never been one for arguments so I simply bit my tongue and followed along.

"Yes, you weren't thinking. But I'm going to let this one slide just because you've been doing so well, you may go now." Divinity dismissed me in a hurry, wanting to finish all the things on her plate. I nodded and started to walk out when her voice called out to me once more, "If I caught wind that you're hanging out with people from other gangs, or working for them without my consent, remember that I know your secret Kane, and I have no hesitation in spreading the word." She threatened, her voice full of finality and hostility.

I quickly nodded and walked away, heading straight to my room on the second floor.

Being a tidemaker was my past life, and yet somehow it continued to haunt me even when I had given it up.

I ignored the questions and curious stares as I walked back out into the hall, ignoring everyone and then locking the door to my room shut.

My room was a small area in the corner with a bed and a basket which was supposed to be for clothing, but I had transformed it into a place where I store my inventions.

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