"Hey guys!" Milly announced to their friends, "Sam and Jack are here!" They all turned and started to greet them.

"What's up guys?" Xavier said to them, with Justin waving at them.

"Hello!" Jordan exclaimed. Sam and Jack said hi back to all of them and found their way to their desks. As the announcements came on, Xavier wanted to start a conversation with Jack,

"So, what are you going to be for Halloween?" Xavier whispered to Jack.

"Um.." Jack paused, "actually...I don't know." Xavier looked shocked,

"Really?!" He whispered a bit louder than he should have.

"SHHHHH!!!" The teacher shushed them, pointing at the screen. They fell silent, and Jack was silently panicking about what he was going to be.


As Jack was leaving his final class of the day, his brain was still panicking about what he should be for Halloween the next day. Sam met up with him in the hallway and caught Jack staring at the floor. "Jack?" Sam asked in a concerned tone. Jack yelped at getting startled. "Are you ok?" Sam asked.

"Yes...I'm fine." Jack mumbled, going back to staring at the floor. Sam glanced at his face,

"You don't look fine." Sam pointed out.

"Because I don't know what I'm going to be for halloween!" Jack exclaimed.

"Well, why didn't you say so?" Sam replied, grabbing Jack's arm and running down the hall. As they weaved their way down the bustling hall, Jack overheard some 11th graders talking,

"The party is going to be EPIC!"

"That's rad dude!"

"Sam wait!" Jack said to Sam. Sam paused and looked at Jack who was gesturing to the high schoolers talking. Sam nodded and they listened in on the conversation.

"So, where's the party at tomorrow?" A tall boy asked, who looked like he played football.

"At my house, 9PM." A snarky girl replied, chewing her gum and fixing her earrings. The boy nodded and walked off. Jack looked at Sam, who looked back at him.

"We need to tell the others." They agreed with each other and raced out of the school.


"MILLY! JORDAN!! XAVIER!! JUSTIN!!!" Sam and Jack yelled at their friends. They stopped walking and looked back at Jack and Sam running at them. They skidded to a stop and caught their breath.

"We...We..We heard some high schoolers talking about a halloween party!" Sam stuttered.

"A party?" Milly echoed.

"Yeah!" Sam continued to ramble about how amazing parties are.

"How do you know so much about high school parties?" Xavier asked. Sam shrugged,

"I have my ways, and, I heard at these parties, they play a game called spin the bottle!" Jack and Milly perked up at the idea and looked at eachother. They caught each other's eyes and quickly looked away. All of their friends saw that and did some sly nodding, "So, are you guys up to go?"

"I'm down!" Jack said first.

"Me too!"

"I'll go."


"Why not?"

"Alright! It's tomorrow at nine!" Sam informed.

"But where?" Milly asked.

"At this girls house," Sam said, realizing that they didn't say the address, "I think we'll know what house to go to."

"Is it a costume party?" Xavier asked.

"They didn't say," Sam replied, "but bring it just in case." They finished discussing details and headed home. Jack was home before his sisters. When they did get home, he asked,

"Are you going to the party tomorrow?" Bailey sighed,

"I wish, but we're busy."

"With what?" Jack asked, shutting off the tv and grabbing a snack from the kitchen as Bailey put her purse down.

"It's our business not yours." Hailey mumbled, following Bailey upstairs. As they headed upstairs, he thought he caught the smell of a cigarette,but he thought it was just his imagination as he headed to his room as well, ready to start planning a costume...

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