Episode 1

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My name is saraline but for short Sara, am happy living now but my past is horrible, I hate to remember it but I would tried to narrate it for you so you could gain something from it and never lost hope, here's goes.

I'm a medical doctor,a beautiful young lady with a black hair a curvy body,I get an hazel eyes,a pink full lips, to crown it all am very brilliant.

Many guys have asked me out but I like this particular guy, Richard by name,he has everything a lady could wish for in a guy, a killer body shape, crystalline green eyes, a dimple, a beautiful coil brown hair,huh! Enough of description ,he asked me to be his girlfriend on fateful day, that was the most happy day in my life before everything was ruin. when I would did my induction we have been dating for two years.

Oh!I could never forgot my induction day,the day I classify as the saddest day in my life, everyone was happy, Richard called me out and took me a dark and quiet place,I noticed he was drunk but not too much, he started romancing me, Richard stop it I said as I removed his hand from my breast, babe don't told me you don't like it he asked smirking, yes, I don't like it at all and don't try it with me again I said and brushed him aside but he dragged me back and push me to the ground roughly, he knee on me, all my my efforts to stand up prove abortive,he tore me to half naked, he kiss me roughly, I bite his lower lip, I was taken back by two hard slapped that land on my cheeks, he pressed me roughly and have his way forcefully with me,he dis flowered me,and left me alone I was weak and tired , I noticed someone coming not not I. My side, I used all strength to called for help, thank God ,it Ava my best friend, Oh! My God Sara, she exclaimed, what happened to you, I couldn't talked, she carried me to the car and went to fetched my family.

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