Chapter 2: A little fun in Hell

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(Tw: small Mentions of blood)

We walked through the door, the handle was cold to the touch and it made me get goose bumps. I looked around and my eyes traveled up the stairs to the broken banister where Jason 'went missing'. I immediately looked away and looked up at Dark, he seemed more scared than I was, I gently grabbed his hand and intertwined our fingers.
"You ok?"
I asked, knowing full well he wouldn't give me a straight answer.
"Define 'ok"
Dark spoke with a shaky voice, I could see him shake slightly with a small cold sweat falling down his face. I kissed gently his cheek, then whispering to him,
"If you are that uncomfortable, we can leave dear, I'm not exactly happy being here but I figured it'll help"
I just want to help Dark with his guilt towards Jason.
He took a deep breath and nodded.
"I know, but you're right Will... I need this, and so do you, I can tell"
Dark wasn't wrong, he's rarely ever wrong, unless he's being stubborn.
I nodded and squeezed his hand gently, he did it back and kissed my temple. I walked towards the stairs and slowly went up them running my hand up the hand rail.
"Do you still hear that ringing?"
Dark asked, I shook my head slightly spacing out, then answering him.
"No, not since I opened the door. Why?"
I looked down the stairs in hopes of finding my partner walking up them or still on the bottom floor, but instead I see him walking the opposite direction to something. Curious as to why he walked away from the stairs, I walked down them and followed him to a broken mirror on the wall.
"No reason but... I can still hear it and.. it was coming from here and now it...stopped."
Dark spoke softly, like he was trying to understand it himself. I cocked my head to the side while looking at myself in the mirror. I then looked up at Dark, he was as confused as I was.
He walked slowly towards the mirror and grazed his fingers along the cracks. Dark slightly yelped in pain and I ran up to him, he gently held his hand and I could see a sliver of blood on his thumb.
"I'm fine Will it's a small cut."
I rolled my eyes, "Just be careful next time Damien-"
There was a loud bang that came from the second floor, it sounded like a gun shot, I quickly ran to the stairwell and looked up towards the direction of the shot. There was nothing out of place, everything was silent which would be odd considering that there was nothing afterwards.
I scowled in confusion and turned back around, expecting to see my beloved partner, but he was gone.
I spoke in confusion, I started walking around calling for him.
"Damien! Where are you? Damien?! Damien!!"
The mirror started ringing again but I didn't pay any attention to it, I had to find Damien.

Jason A. Crocus - A DA oc story with darkstasheWhere stories live. Discover now