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It was late night when the girl was called into her parent's office. Being born into a very well known successful family meant that the businesses often came before her, so the idea that her father wanted to talk about something supposedly 'very important' excited her beyond belief. However, when they started talking she was instantly regretting her happiness.

"But father, I do not wish to marry."

"Hush, child, this not your decision to make."

"I have never even met the boy, how do you expect met say 'I do' to someone I do not know"

"Caitlin, this is for the benefit of the companies future. You will meet him and once all the arrangements have been made, you will wed."

"Father, what about me. Do I not get a say in my future?"

"These arrangements have been planned since you were young, it is how it will be. They will travel here in two days, we will dine so you can meet, that is it. I will not entertain this conversation any longer, off to bed." he waved his hand as a signal for her to leave and she knew better than to argue with him. She made her way to her bedroom with a face of thunder, finding her mother standing at her vanity with fabric in her hands.

"Mother this is not fair."

"Ah, Caitlin, I'm guessing your father informed you of the marriage. Come, sit." Kaycee walked over and sat down in the chair. She felt her hair being tugged as her mother wrapped it in the pieces of fabric.

"Yes mother, he told me. You told me that I was to have a bright future, and now this. I thought you wanted me to go to the academy and get a proper education? Why did you wait until I was almost of age to tell me?"

"Child, this has been arranged for a long time. I asked your father not to tell you when you were young, so you could focus on finishing your education at the school without this on your mind."

"But mother, I wish I could have known before now. I turn 18 in less than a month and he said I am to wed soon after. I do not even know the boy, I do not even know his name."

"I aware you have not met him, that is why the dinner has been set up. Both your sister Catherine and your brother Devon will return with their spouses to meet them as well. I am to believe he had two sisters both of whom will also be joining us with their spouses. As for his name, it is Charles, Charles Lew. I am sure he is a nice young boy, none the less, you will be courteous and kind when we meet them, understand?" her mother said, pulling tightly on her daughter's hair.

"Yes, mother." she looks down at her hands.

"Your father and I got you a new dress, you may wear it for when we meet them. We will have maid Mary help you and fix your hair. We will have dinner with them in the dining room if you behave, perhaps I will permit the two of you to take a walk in the gardens. The next day we will announce your courtship. Once you have turned 18 the final arrangements will be made and you will be married."

"Do I have a say in any of this?"

"Caitlin, this will greatly benefit your future, you understand. Similarly to us, the Lew family are related to royalties and have a lot of control over large companies. He is their only son and therefore their fortune is passed down to him. I expect they have a house ready for the two of you to live in already. This is the only way for you to have a good future."

"Education would give me a good future," she stated.

"You will understand that this is for the best when you are older," the older lady said, pulling her daughter's face around to look at her and smiling "tomorrow the maids will be cleaning for the arrival of the Lews, you may have the carriage to take you to see a friend or visit the rivers if you wish, however, I expect you home early. You must be well-rested for the day the Lews arrive. Now, say your prayers and into bed. " Kaycee watched as her mother walked out, she turned out the few lights in her room, leaving her in candlelight. She said her prayers and crawled into her bed, closing her eyes, dreading the few days that were to come.

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