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"What do you mean the Kree are here?" Ophelia asked as she left the room Evelyn is in

"They must of sensed the terrogenesis... they are blocked out for now but I don't know how well all the security here is, Axel is safe at the other compound as Zara said spreading them apart is best... but they are mainly after Evie... I'm sorry Ophelia but we gotta take her down far with you and me, they want to kill us two as it is" Daisy said and Ophelia nodded. She went inside and picked up Evie and carried her down to the lowest basement.

"There is a secret room, completely secure so you will be safe and I am the only one who can open and close the door" Zara explained and put the three inhumans inside the room. Zara smiled and scanned her hand and eyes and the door closed.

"Why am I in here?" Evelyn yawned, waking up.

"Kree are here" Daisy said simply

"Damn it, the level up must of sent them to either collect me or kill me" Evelyn answered and she stood up

"You know you should be careful Evelyn. Listen, all inhumans have just one gift and it is suppose to have a purpose... you have all the powers, known and unknown. You either have an extreme importance or you weren't suppose to" Daisy explained

"I know my purpose is to defend Earth, save my Kree people as well from the humans" Evelyn explained as she stood up and she phased through the walls.

"Evelyn!" Ophelia yelled and she got up and started banging on the door. Evelyn made her way to her bedroom where her enhancement armour was. She put on everything she needed and went to the rooftop and greeted the Kree. Evelyn used her powers to have 6 clones of herself stood with her all holding her sword.

"Who are you and why are you on Earth?" Evelyn asked from the back, the safest place

"To collect you, I am Lenitha. Daughter of the Ambassador... your father is dead and so is all the others incharge of the Kree" the woman said


"The position for Empress is yours" The woman explained and Evelyn laughed

"Hunny listen. I am a 21 year old human, I don't show my powers to their full extent but I'm willing to enforce them right now to keep humans safe from Kree" Evelyn explained

"We mean no harm, I am from the House of Kasius, a former friend of your fathers... he wanted you to be with him-"

"I don't care" Evelyn explained and used her Quake powers and the entire rooftop shook.

A few hours later.

Ophelia and Zara ran out onto the roof and looked around to see blue blood everywhere

"Did Evie?" Ophelia asked

"Its possible... I just hope she doesn't do the one thing I can't let happen" Zara said and ran down to find Angel and Daisy.

"Find her?" Daisy asked

"No, not a single clue besides Kree blood" Zara answered.

"Is Evelyn's blood human or Kree though?" Daisy asked

"I... I never got that part of her tested... I think it alternates when she uses her powers but its just a small theory." Zara explained and turned to Angel "You need to go home my girl"

"What why?" Angel asked

"Angel, its unsafe here" Zara answered

"Is it because my sister is either bleeding to death somewhere right now or has been kidnapped by aliens. I lived in the same level for 10 years of my life and only started training a few months ago, all because you left so don't give me that" Angel hissed

"Not a time for picking up pass arguments with your mom Angel. We need to find Evie then discuss whatever" Ophelia yelled and they all nodded

"Just stay away from any kind of crystals Angel" Zara warned

"What are you hiding?" Daisy asked

"Angel does have some enhancement. Physic abilities as mine vanished when I gave birth to her" Zara explained with a sigh

💙Sorry it so damn short and shit. I was suppose to post but loads happened like with a friend, social accounts, writing this new story which is gonna be the death of me, this heat in England as well. I also had another bad experience coming out as bi to friends so yeah expect a lot about that in the new story which I'll post after I post the next proper part to this. Again I'm sorry guys and yeah any suggestions please let me know or any new characters you wanna see as well ~ A 💙

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